TEX=xelatex SOURCE=chapters SRC =$(wildcard *.rst) SVG =$(wildcard content/*.svg) DOT =$(wildcard *.dot) PDFS = $(SRC:.rst=.pdf) INCLUDED_TEX = $(DOT:.dot=.tex) all: $(PDFS) BIBS =$(wildcard *.bib) CHAPTERS = $(sort $(shell find $(SOURCE) -name '*.rst' -print)) SOURCES = $(sort $(wildcard resources/*.tex)) null := space := $(null) # comma := , TEX_STYLE := $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(SOURCES))) TEX_BIBS := $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(BIBS))) PACK = $(shell sed -e 's/\#.*$$//' -e '/^$$/d' resources/modules) PACKAGES := $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(PACK))) tmp: mkdir tmp # Image generation content/%.pdf: content/%.svg inkscape -D -z --export-pdf=$@ $< %.tex: %.dot dot2tex --autosize --figonly -o $@ $< # Generate the latex file from rst tmp/%.tex: %.rst $(INCLUDED_TEX) $(SOURCES) $(CHAPTERS)| tmp $$(command -v rst2latex rst2latex.py | head -n 1) \ --no-section-subtitles \ --no-section-numbering \ --table-style=borderless \ --use-latex-citations \ --use-latex-docinfo \ --documentclass=article \ --documentoption=12pt,A4,table \ --syntax-highlight=short \ --stylesheet=$(PACKAGES),$(TEX_STYLE) \ $< $@ sed -i -e 's/{c}{\\hfill ... continued on next page/{r}{... suite sur la page suivante/;s|^%$$||' $@ #sed -i -e 's/\endfirsthead/\endfirsthead\\tableHeaderStyle/g' $@ sed -i -e 's/longtable\*/mytable/g' $@ #sed -i -e 's/p{[0-9]\.[0-9]*\\DUtablewidth}/X/g' $@ # Generate each pdf with latex tmp/%.pdf: tmp/%.tex $(BIBS) | tmp # Delete the previous index file if present test -f "tmp/$*.ind" && rm "tmp/$*.ind" || true # First run $(TEX) -output-directory tmp "$<" #bibtex tmp/$*.aux && $(TEX) -output-directory tmp $< || echo "no bib" # Generate the index page if [ -s "tmp/$*.idx" ]; then \ makeindex "tmp/$*"; \ $(TEX) -output-directory tmp "$<"; \ fi while grep 'Rerun to get ' "tmp/$*.log" ; do $(TEX) -output-directory tmp "$<" ; done # Put the pdf in the right place %.pdf: tmp/%.pdf | tmp cp $< $@ clean: rm -r tmp %.css: %.sass sassc $< $@ %.html: %.rst %.css $$(command -v rst2html rst2html.py | head -n 1) --stylesheet notes_arduino.css $< $@ weasyprint.pdf: notes_arduino.html weasyprint notes_arduino.html -s notes_arduino.css weasyprint.pdf