open StdLabels open Css.Types let location_none = Css.Location.none (** Update the declaration list with this new property if the same property name is already present. If not return [None] *) let merge_declations : Declaration_list.t -> Declaration_list.kind -> Declaration_list.t option = fun decls1 decl2 -> let declarations, loc = decls1 in let updated, list' = List.fold_left_map declarations ~init:false ~f:(fun res kind -> if Comparator.declaration_kind' kind decl2 = 0 then true, decl2 else res, kind) in match updated with | false -> None | _ -> Some ( list' , loc ) (** Add all the declarations from [decl2] into the list [decl1] and return the list, and all the new declarations to add *) let add_all_declarations : Declaration_list.t -> Declaration_list.t -> Declaration_list.t * Declaration_list.t = fun decls1 (decls2, loc2) -> let decls1, remain' = List.fold_left decls2 ~init:(decls1, []) ~f:(fun (decls1, remain) new_declaration -> match merge_declations decls1 new_declaration with (* TODO : Handle empty property as None *) | None -> decls1, (Some new_declaration::remain) | Some decls1 -> decls1, remain ) in (* Remove all the unused properties *) let remain' = List.filter_map ~f:(fun x -> x) remain' in ( decls1 , (remain', loc2) ) let update_declarations : (Declaration_list.t * Css.Location.t) -> (Declaration_list.t * Css.Location.t) list -> (Declaration_list.t * Css.Location.t) list = fun (block, loc) existing -> let remain, tl = List.fold_left existing ~init:(block, []) ~f:(fun (block, prev) (declarations, location) -> let update, remain = add_all_declarations declarations block in remain, (update, location)::prev) in match fst remain with | [] -> tl | other -> (((other, loc), loc)::tl)