open StdLabels open Css.Types module AtRule = Map.Make(struct type t = string * (Component_value.t list) let compare at1 at2 = let cmp = (fst at1) (fst at2) in if cmp <> 0 then cmp else Comparator.compare_list (fun l1 l2 -> Comparator.component_value (l1, Common.location_none) (l2, Common.location_none) ) (snd at1) (snd at2) end) type at_type = | Empty | Declaration of (Declaration_list.t * Css.Location.t) list | Stylesheet of (Merge_style.t * ats) and at_map_content = (Css.Location.t * at_type) and ats = at_map_content AtRule.t type t = Merge_style.t * ats let rec add_brace_block : Brace_block.t -> Css.Location.t -> at_map_content option -> at_map_content option = fun block loc value -> begin match block, value with (* Empty element, update the existing one if any *) | Brace_block.Empty, _ -> Some ( loc , Empty ) (* New declarationList, juste add it *) | Brace_block.Declaration_list decls, None -> Some ( loc , Declaration [(decls, loc)]) | Brace_block.Declaration_list decls, (Some (loc, Declaration decl2)) -> Some ( loc , Declaration (Common.update_declarations (decls, Common.location_none) decl2 )) | Brace_block.Stylesheet s, None -> let eval = add_css (Merge_style.empty, AtRule.empty) s in Some ( loc , Stylesheet eval ) | Brace_block.Stylesheet s, Some (loc, Stylesheet css) -> let eval = add_css css s in Some ( loc , Stylesheet eval ) (* Othe cases are not handled *) | _ -> None end (** Add a new @ definition *) and add_at : Css.Types.At_rule.t -> ats -> ats = fun {name; prelude; block; loc} map -> let prelude = (fst prelude) ~f:fst in let key = (fst name), prelude in AtRule.update key (add_brace_block block loc) map and add_css : t -> Stylesheet.t -> t = fun (styles, atrules) css -> List.fold_left (fst css) ~init:(styles, atrules) ~f:(fun (styles, ats)-> function | Rule.At_rule r -> (styles, add_at r ats) | Rule.Style_rule r -> (Merge_style.add_style r styles, ats)) (** Helper function for retrieving the location *) let get_loc : Rule.t -> Css.Location.t = function | Rule.Style_rule t -> t.Style_rule.loc | Rule.At_rule t -> t.At_rule.loc let rec extract_at : ats -> Css.Types.Rule.t Seq.t = fun map -> AtRule.to_seq map |> (fun ((name, prelude), (loc, value)) -> let name = name, loc and prelude = ~f:(fun x -> x, loc) prelude, loc in match value with | Stylesheet css -> let stylesheet = extract_css css in let block = Brace_block.Stylesheet stylesheet in (Rule.At_rule (At_rule.{name; prelude; block; loc})) | Empty -> let block = Brace_block.Empty in (Rule.At_rule (At_rule.{name; prelude; block; loc})) | Declaration decls -> let declarations = List.fold_left decls ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc (decl, _) -> let elems = fst decl in List.append elems acc) in let block = Brace_block.Declaration_list (declarations, loc) in (Rule.At_rule (At_rule.{name; prelude; block; loc}))) and extract_css : t -> Stylesheet.t = fun (styles, ats) -> let arr = Seq.append (extract_at ats) (Merge_style.extract_style styles) |> Array.of_seq in (* Sort the declaration in initial ordering (using the location attribute) *) Array.fast_sort ~cmp:(fun v1 v2 -> (get_loc v1) (get_loc v2) ) arr; (Array.to_list arr, Common.location_none) let empty : t = Merge_style.empty, AtRule.empty