open StdLabels open Css.Types let delim_coma = ( Component_value.Delim "," , Common.location_none ) module MapRule = Map.Make(struct type t = Component_value.t list let compare = Comparator.compare_list (fun l1 l2 -> Comparator.component_value (l1, Common.location_none) (l2, Common.location_none) ) end) (** The type of the map contains both : - The declaration inside the selector - The selector Location *) type t = (Declaration_list.t * Css.Location.t) list MapRule.t type acc = Component_value.t list * Component_value.t list list (** Group all the selectors together, using a given delimiter *) let group_selector : string -> Component_value.t with_loc list with_loc -> Component_value.t list list = fun delim elems -> let add_element : acc -> Component_value.t with_loc -> acc = fun (acc, prev) elem -> match (fst elem) with | Delim s when String.equal s delim -> [], (List.rev acc)::prev | other -> other::acc, prev in let last, prev = List.fold_left (fst elems) ~init:([], []) ~f:add_element in (List.rev last)::prev (** Add a new style in the map. *) let add_style : Style_rule.t -> t -> t = fun {prelude; block; loc} map -> List.fold_left (group_selector "," prelude) ~init:map ~f:(fun map group -> MapRule.update group (function | None -> (* There is no declaration yet, just add this one *) Some [(block, loc)] | Some tl -> (* The declaration is already present. For each of them, we check if the declaration is overriden by the new one, and update the list. The news declarations are added in a new block (a second pass may be necessary to join all the remaining elements together. *) Some (Common.update_declarations (block, loc) tl)) map) module ReversedMapRule = Map.Make(struct type t = Declaration_list.t * Css.Location.t (* Use a custom comparaison without the location *) let compare l1 l2 = Comparator.declaration_list (fst l1) (fst l2) end) type splitted_rules' = (Component_value.t list list) ReversedMapRule.t (** Extract all the styles, and return them as a Rule.t sequence *) let extract_style : t -> Rule.t Seq.t = fun map -> (* First, iterate all the values and match the identical one together *) let table:splitted_rules' = MapRule.fold (fun k values map' -> (* Each element may be present multiple times in the declaration. We have te extract each of them *) List.fold_left values ~init:map' ~f:(fun map' (v, loc) -> ReversedMapRule.update (v, loc) (function | None -> Some [k] | Some tl -> Some (k::tl)) map' )) map ReversedMapRule.empty in (* The rebuild the rules *) ReversedMapRule.to_seq table |> (fun ((block, loc), k) -> let selectors = List.fold_left k ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc v -> let selectors = v ~f:(fun x -> x , Common.location_none) in let tail = List.append selectors acc in delim_coma::tail) in let prelude = match selectors with | (Component_value.Delim ",", _)::tl -> (* Remove the first delimiter element *) ( tl , Common.location_none) | _-> ( selectors , Common.location_none ) in Rule.Style_rule (Style_rule.{prelude; block; loc})) let empty = MapRule.empty