type t = { p0:Gg.v2 (* The starting point *) ; p1:Gg.v2 (* The end point *) ; ctrl0:Gg.v2 (* The control point *) ; ctrl1:Gg.v2 } (* The control point *) type quadratic (** Build a control point for a quadratic curve for passing throuht 3 points. taken from https://xuhehuan.com/2608.html also look to https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#pointcurves *) val three_points_quadratic : Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> quadratic (** Create a curve from three points. This is an implementation for https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#pointcurves *) val three_points_cubic : float -> Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> t val quadratic_to_cubic : quadratic -> t (** Split a bezier curve in two at a given position *) val slice : float -> t -> t * t (** Return the closest point to the curve by approximation *) val get_closest_point : Gg.v2 -> t -> Gg.v2 val reverse: t -> t