open Brr module PM = Prosemirror module Js = Js_of_ocaml.Js module Actions = Editor_actions (** Create a new editor view [build_view element state] will create the editor and attach it to [element]. *) let build_view : PM.t -> Jstr.t option -> El.t -> PM.View.editor_view Js.t * float = fun pm page_id editor -> (* Remove all the elements if any *) El.set_children editor []; (* TODO This could be improved, instead of creating a new schema, just fetch the node and marks from the plungin *) let custom_schema = Plugins.Footnotes.footnote_schema pm (PM.SchemaBasic.schema pm) in (* Recreate the full schema by adding all the nodes and marks from the plugings *) let specs = PM.Model.schema_spec (PM.SchemaList.add_list_nodes pm (custom_schema##.spec##.nodes) (Jstr.v "paragraph block*") (Some (Jstr.v "block"))) (Some custom_schema##.spec##.marks) None in let full_schema = PM.Model.schema pm specs in let stored_content = State.Storage.load page_id in (* This variable contains the last update time, either because it is stored, or because it is the date where we create the first page. *) let last_backup = Js.Opt.get (fun () -> (new%js Js.date_now)##getTime) in let props = PM.View.direct_editor_props () in props##.state := State.state_of_storage pm stored_content full_schema; (* Add the custom nodes *) props##.nodeViews := PM.O.init [| ( "footnote", (Plugins.Footnotes.footnote_view pm)) |]; let view = PM.View.editor_view pm editor props in view, last_backup module Store = struct type t = El.t let update : t -> State.t -> State.t = fun title_element state -> let title = El.prop (El.Prop.value) title_element in let new_date = (new%js Js.date_now)##getTime in let content_obj = object%js val content = Js.some @@ Jv.Id.to_jv (state.view##.state##toJSON ()) val title = Js.some title val date = Js.some new_date end in let save = content_obj state.page_id (* There three date here : - The actual date at the time we save the note - The date associated with the note when we loaded it first time - The date associated with the note at the time we want to update it The two last may differ if the note has been updated in another one tab. *) ~check:(fun ~previous ~update -> let _ = update in (fun () -> true) (fun date -> (* I do not figure how the previous date could be older than the last backup. It could be either : - equal (if we are the only one to update it) - more recent (if the content has been updated elsewhere) but older shoud be a bug. *) let is_ok = date <= state.last_backup in if (not is_ok) then ( let open Console in log [ Jstr.v "Last backup date is " ; new%js Js.date_fromTimeValue state.last_backup ; Jstr.v " but date is " ; new%js Js.date_fromTimeValue date] ); is_ok)) in begin match save with | Ok true -> { state with last_backup = new_date } | Ok false -> Console.(log [Jstr.v "Didn't save"]); state | Error other -> (* TODO In case of error, notify the user *) Console.(log [Jstr.v "Couldn't save" ; other]); state end end module App = Editor_app let app id content = let title_element = Document.find_el_by_id G.document (Jstr.v "title") in (* Check the pre-requisite *) match title_element, (Jv.is_none id), (Jv.is_none content), Blog.Sidebar.get () with | Some title, false, false, Some sidebar -> let () = Blog.Sidebar.clean sidebar in let pm = PM.v () in let editor:El.t = Jv.Id.of_jv id in (* Load the cache for the given page *) let page_id = State.Storage.page_id () in let view, last_backup = build_view pm page_id editor in let init_state = State.init pm view last_backup page_id in (* Initialize the buttons actions and get the associated events. At this point, the HTML element is not yet created, and cannot be inserted in the document. *) let side_elements = pm in let btn_events = Editor_actions.get_event side_elements in (* Create the main event loop with all the collected events *) let app_state = ~eq:State.eq init_state ( [ Brr_note.Evr.on_els Ev.focusout (fun _ _ -> App.E ( title , (module Store:App.Event with type t = Store.t))) [ editor ; title ] ; btn_events ]) in (* Get the html element associated with the buttons, and add it in the page. The state event is already created, and can be given in the html creation in order to update the elements when the state change. *) let childs = Editor_actions.complete side_elements app_state in let () = El.append_children sidebar childs in let _ = Note.(Logr.hold (S.log app_state (fun _ -> ()))) in () | _ -> Console.(error [str "No element with id '%s' '%s' found"; id ; content]) let () = let open Jv in let editor = obj [| "attach_prosemirror", (repr app) |] in set global "editor" editor