open Js_of_ocaml open Brr module PM = Prosemirror let create_new_state pm mySchema content = let module PM = Prosemirror in let doc = PM.Model.( DOMParser.parse (DOMParser.from_schema pm mySchema) (Jv.Id.of_jv content)) in let props = PM.State.creation_prop () in props##.doc := Js.some doc; props##.plugins := Plugins.default pm mySchema; PM.State.create pm props let storage_key = (Jstr.v "editor") let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window (** Read the state from the local storage, or load the content from the given element *) let load_storage : PM.t -> PM.Model.schema Js.t -> Jv.t -> PM.State.editor_state Js.t = fun pm schema content -> let opt_data = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage storage_key in match opt_data with | None -> create_new_state pm schema content | Some contents -> (* Try to load from the storage *) match Json.decode contents with | Error _ -> create_new_state pm schema content | Ok json -> let obj = PM.State.configuration_prop () in obj##.plugins := Plugins.default pm schema; obj##.schema := Js.some schema; PM.State.fromJSON pm obj json let save_storage : PM.View.editor_view Js.t -> unit = fun view -> let contents = view##.state##toJSON () in let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window in Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage storage_key (Json.encode @@ contents) |> Console.log_if_error ~use:() let prosemirror id content = begin match (Jv.is_none id), (Jv.is_none content) with | false, false -> let module PM = Prosemirror in let pm = PM.v () in let specs = PM.Model.schema_spec (PM.SchemaList.add_list_nodes pm ((PM.SchemaBasic.schema pm)##.spec##.nodes) (Jstr.v "paragraph block*") (Some (Jstr.v "block"))) (Some (PM.SchemaBasic.schema pm)##.spec##.marks) None in let mySchema = PM.Model.schema pm specs in (* Create the initial state *) let state = load_storage pm mySchema content in let props = PM.View.direct_editor_props () in props##.state := state; (* Each time the state is update, handle the copy *) props##.dispatchTransaction := Js.wrap_meth_callback @@ (fun view tr -> let state = view##.state##apply tr in view##updateState state ); let view = PM.View.editor_view pm (Jv.Id.of_jv id) props in view##setProps props; (* Attach an event on focus out *) let _ = Brr_note.Evr.on_el (Ev.focusout) (fun _ -> (* let props = view##.props in props##.editable := Js.wrap_callback (fun _ -> Js._false); view##update props; *) save_storage view ) (Jv.Id.of_jv id) in (* let default_editable = view##.props##.editable in let _ = Brr_note.Evr.on_el (Ev.dblclick) (fun e -> let target = e in let (el:El.t) = Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ to_jv target) in if (view##.editable == Js._false && (El.tag_name el <> Jstr.v "a")) then ( let props = view##.props in props##.editable := default_editable; view##update props; Console.(log [el]); El.set_has_focus true (Jv.Id.of_jv id); ) ) (Jv.Id.of_jv id) in *) () | _, _-> Console.(error [str "No element with id '%s' '%s' found"; id ; content]) end let () = let open Jv in let editor = obj [| "attach_prosemirror", (repr prosemirror) |] in set global "editor" editor