open Js_of_ocaml open Brr module PM = Prosemirror let change_level : PM.t -> PM.Model.resolved_pos Js.t -> PM.State.editor_state Js.t -> int -> (PM.State.transaction Js.t -> unit) -> (int -> bool) -> bool = fun pm res state incr dispatch pred -> let parent = res##.parent in let attributes = parent##.attrs in (* There are some problems to update the view when the content is empty. It looks like the comparaison does not comprae the level argument. In order to prevent any error, juste return in such situation. *) let empty_content = parent##.content##eq (PM.Model.empty_fragment pm) and level = attributes##.level in if (pred level || empty_content) then false else (* Look the position for the previous element *) let resolved = (res##.doc)##resolve (res##.pos -1) in let selection = PM.State.node_selection pm resolved in let props = object%js val level = level + incr end in let element = parent##copy (PM.Model.empty_fragment pm) in element##.attrs := props; element##.content := parent##.content; (* Create a new transaction for replacing the selection *) let tr = in let tr = tr##replaceRangeWith selection##.from selection##._to element in (* Return at the initial position *) let position = PM.State.create_text_selection pm tr##.doc res##.pos in let tr = tr##setSelection position in dispatch (tr##scrollIntoView ()); true let handle_backspace pm state dispatch = (* Get the currrent node *) let res = PM.State.selection_to (state##.selection) in match Js.Opt.to_option res##.nodeBefore with | Some _ -> false | None -> (* Line start *) let parent = res##.parent in begin match Jstr.to_string with | "heading" -> change_level pm res state (-1) dispatch (fun x -> x <= 1) | _ -> false end (** Increase the title level by one when pressing # at the begining of a line *) let handle_sharp pm state dispatch = (* Get the currrent node *) let res = PM.State.selection_to (state##.selection) in match Js.Opt.to_option res##.nodeBefore with | Some _ -> false | None -> (* Line start *) let parent = res##.parent in begin match Jstr.to_string with | "heading" -> change_level pm res state (+1) dispatch (fun x -> x > 5) | _ -> false end let default_plugins pm schema = let props = PM.Example.options schema in props##.menuBar := Js.some false; props##.floatingMenu := Js.some false; let setup = PM.Example.example_setup pm props in let keymaps = PM.Keymap.keymap pm [| "Backspace", (handle_backspace pm) ; "#", (handle_sharp pm) |] in (* Add the custom keymaps in the list *) let _ = setup##unshift keymaps in Js.some setup let create_new_state pm mySchema content = let module PM = Prosemirror in let doc = PM.Model.( DOMParser.parse (DOMParser.from_schema pm mySchema) (Jv.Id.of_jv content)) in let props = PM.State.creation_prop () in props##.doc := Js.some doc; props##.plugins := default_plugins pm mySchema; PM.State.create pm props let storage_key = (Jstr.v "editor") let prosemirror id content = begin match (Jv.is_none id), (Jv.is_none content) with | false, false -> let module PM = Prosemirror in let pm = PM.v () in let specs = PM.Model.schema_spec (PM.SchemaList.add_list_nodes pm ((PM.SchemaBasic.schema pm)##.spec##.nodes) (Jstr.v "paragraph block*") (Some (Jstr.v "block"))) (Some (PM.SchemaBasic.schema pm)##.spec##.marks) None in let mySchema = PM.Model.schema pm specs in (* Create the initial state *) let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window in let opt_data = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage storage_key in let state = match opt_data with | None -> create_new_state pm mySchema content | Some contents -> (* Try to load from the storage *) begin match Json.decode contents with | Error _ -> create_new_state pm mySchema content | Ok json -> Console.(log [Jstr.v "Loading json"]); let history = PM.History.(history pm (history_prop ()) ) in let _ = history in let obj = PM.State.configuration_prop () in obj##.plugins := default_plugins pm mySchema; obj##.schema := Js.some mySchema; PM.State.fromJSON pm obj json end in let props = PM.View.direct_editor_props () in props##.state := state; let view = PM.View.editor_view pm (Jv.Id.of_jv id) props in view##setProps props; (* Attach an event on focus out *) let _out_event = Brr_note.Evr.on_el (Ev.focusout) (fun _ -> let contents = view##.state##toJSON () in let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window in Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage storage_key (Json.encode @@ contents) |> Console.log_if_error ~use:() ) (Jv.Id.of_jv id) in () | _, _-> Console.(error [str "No element with id '%s' '%s' found"; id ; content]) end let () = let open Jv in let editor = obj [| "attach_prosemirror", (repr prosemirror) |] in set global "editor" editor