module Js = Js_of_ocaml.Js module Storage = Storage type t = { editable : bool ; view : Prosemirror.View.editor_view Js.t ; last_backup: float ; page_id: Jstr.t option ; window : Brr.El.t list ; pm : Prosemirror.t } val eq: t -> t -> bool (** Update the title element according to the page. *) val set_title : Storage.content Js.t -> unit val state_of_storage : Prosemirror.t -> Storage.content Js.t -> Prosemirror.Model.schema Js.t -> Prosemirror.State.editor_state Js.t val load_page : Jstr.t option -> t -> t (** Create a new empty page, and load it *) val new_page : Jstr.t option -> title:Jstr.t -> t -> t (** Initialise a new state *) val init : Prosemirror.t -> Prosemirror.View.editor_view Js.t -> float -> Jstr.t option -> t