open Brr module PM = Prosemirror module Js = Js_of_ocaml.Js let storage_key = (Jstr.v "editor") let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window let create_new_state pm mySchema content = let module PM = Prosemirror in let doc = PM.Model.( DOMParser.parse (DOMParser.from_schema pm mySchema) content) in let props = PM.State.creation_prop () in props##.doc := Js.some doc; props##.plugins := Plugins.default pm mySchema; PM.State.create pm props let page_id : unit -> Jstr.t option = fun () -> let uri = Brr.Window.location Brr.G.window in let query = Brr.Uri.query uri in let params = Brr.Uri.Params.of_jstr query in Brr.Uri.Params.find (Jstr.v "page") params (** [load' pm schema content key] will load the content stored in the local storage for the [key]. *) let load' : PM.t -> PM.Model.schema Js.t -> El.t -> Jstr.t -> PM.State.editor_state Js.t = fun pm schema content key -> let opt_data = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage key in match opt_data with | None -> create_new_state pm schema content | Some contents -> (* Try to load from the storage *) match Json.decode contents with | Error _ -> create_new_state pm schema content | Ok json -> let obj = PM.State.configuration_prop () in obj##.plugins := Plugins.default pm schema; obj##.schema := Js.some schema; PM.State.fromJSON pm obj json (** Save the view *) let save' : PM.View.editor_view Js.t -> Jstr.t -> unit = fun view key -> let contents = view##.state##toJSON () in let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window in Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage key (Json.encode @@ contents) |> Console.log_if_error ~use:() (** [load pm schema content f] will try load the content stored in the local storage. The right key is given by the result of the function [f] *) let load : PM.t -> PM.Model.schema Js.t -> El.t -> (unit -> Jstr.t option) -> PM.State.editor_state Js.t = fun pm schema content f -> match f () with | None -> load' pm schema content storage_key | Some value -> let key = Jstr.concat ~sep:(Jstr.v "_") [storage_key ; value] in load' pm schema content key let save : PM.View.editor_view Js.t -> (unit -> Jstr.t option) -> unit = fun view f -> match f () with | None -> save' view storage_key | Some value -> let key = Jstr.concat ~sep:(Jstr.v "_") [storage_key ; value] in save' view key let delete : (unit -> Jstr.t option) -> unit = fun f -> match f () with | None -> () | Some key -> let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window in let () = Brr_io.Storage.remove_item storage key in (* Reload the page *) Brr.Window.reload G.window let get_ids : unit -> Jstr.t list = fun () -> let open Brr_io in let storage = Storage.local G.window in let items = Storage.length storage in let sub = Jstr.( storage_key + (v "_") ) in let start = Jstr.length sub in let rec add_element acc = function | 0 -> acc | nb -> begin match Storage.key storage nb with | Some key when (Jstr.starts_with ~sub key) -> let key_name = Jstr.sub key ~start in add_element (key_name::acc) (nb -1) | _ -> add_element acc (nb -1) end in add_element [] items