module PM = Prosemirror module Js = Js_of_ocaml.Js (** Provide a function for extracting the page id from the URL *) val page_id : unit -> Jstr.t option (** load pm schema content f] will load the content and store it into the element [content]. The function [f] is called to identified which is the appropriate page id. *) val load : PM.t -> PM.Model.schema Js.t -> Brr.El.t -> (unit -> Jstr.t option) -> PM.State.editor_state Js.t val save : PM.View.editor_view Js.t -> (unit -> Jstr.t option) -> unit (** Remove the page from the storage and reload the page *) val delete : (unit -> Jstr.t option) -> unit (** Collect all the keys to the existing pages *) val get_ids : unit -> Jstr.t list