open Brr open Note open Note_brr (** Create a slider element, and a signal with the value. [at] is the attribute list given to the element *) let slider : at:Brr.At.t list -> Brr.El.t * float S.t = fun ~at -> let slider = El.input ~at () in let init_value = Jstr.to_float (El.prop El.Prop.value slider) in let event = Evr.on_el Ev.input (fun _ -> let raw_value = El.prop El.Prop.value slider in Jstr.to_float raw_value) slider |> S.hold init_value in (slider, event) type file = { file : File.t ; content : Jstr.t } (** Read the content from the file *) let file_loader : file Note.E.send -> File.t -> unit = fun event file -> let blob = File.as_blob file in Fut.await (Blob.text blob) (Result.iter (fun content -> event { file; content })) (** Create an imput which load a file. [file_loader (Jstr.v ".json"] will create an input which only accept json files, and an event which gives access to the file. *) let file_loader : Jstr.t -> Brr.El.t * file Note.event = fun selector -> let add_file_event, add_file_sender = Note.E.create () in let i = El.input () ~at:[ At.type' (Jstr.v "file"); (At.v (Jstr.v "accept")) selector ] in (* The event return a list of files. We are only interested by a single on, and keep only the first from the list. *) let on_change files = file_loader add_file_sender (List.hd files) in let _ = Ev.listen Ev.change (fun _e -> on_change (El.Input.files i)) (El.as_target i) in (i, add_file_event)