open Brr open Brr_note open Motus_lib open Note open StdLabels let ( let=? ) : 'a option -> ('a -> unit) -> unit = fun f opt -> Option.iter opt f let get_int_value element = let value = El.prop El.Prop.value element in match Jstr.to_int value with | Some v -> v | None -> 0 let get_element_by_id id = id |> Jv.Id.of_jv |> Jv.to_jstr |> Brr.Document.find_el_by_id Brr.G.document let rule_to_element rule = match rule with | Criteria.Lenght l -> Jstr.concat [ Jstr.v "Doit etre de longueur "; Jstr.of_int l ] | Contain (c, None) -> Jstr.concat [ Jstr.v "Doit contenir "; Jstr.of_char c ] | Contain (c, Some l) -> Jstr.concat [ Jstr.v "Doit contenir " ; Jstr.of_char c ; Jstr.v " à la position " ; Jstr.of_int l ] | NotContain (c, None) -> Jstr.concat [ Jstr.v "Ne doit pas contenir "; Jstr.of_char c ] | NotContain (c, Some l) -> Jstr.concat [ Jstr.v "Ne doit pas contenir " ; Jstr.of_char c ; Jstr.v " à la position " ; Jstr.of_int l ] let main length_id send_id dictionnary_id proposition_id rules_id table_id next_btn_id reload = let=? length_element = get_element_by_id length_id in let=? send_btn = get_element_by_id send_id in let=? dictionnary_element = get_element_by_id dictionnary_id in let=? proposition_element = get_element_by_id proposition_id in let=? rules_element = get_element_by_id rules_id in let=? table_element = get_element_by_id table_id in let=? next_btn = get_element_by_id next_btn_id in let=? reload = get_element_by_id reload in let change_event, sender = E.create () in let length_event = Evr.on_el Ev.change (fun _ -> get_int_value length_element) length_element in let length_signal = S.hold (get_int_value length_element) length_event in let initial_prop = proposition_element length_signal in let start_event = Evr.on_el (fun _ -> (* Load the appropriate dictionnary *) let dict_value = El.prop El.Prop.value dictionnary_element |> Jstr.to_string in let length = get_int_value length_element in let words = match dict_value with | "english" -> "./dicts/american-english_" ^ string_of_int length | _ -> "./dicts/french_" ^ string_of_int length in let proposition = S.value initial_prop in Elements.Transfert.get_content_from_url words |> (fun html_response -> State.App.dispatch (module Initialize) Initialize.{ length; html_response; sender; proposition } ) ) send_btn |> E.join in let change_event' = (fun (position, letter, validity) -> State.App.dispatch (module UpdateProposition) UpdateProposition.{ position; letter; validity } ) change_event in let btn_event = Evr.on_el (fun _ -> State.App.dispatch (module Next) ()) next_btn in let update_event = Evr.on_el (fun _ -> State.App.dispatch (module Reload) ()) reload in let ev = ~eq:State.eq (State.init ()) ( [ start_event (* Load a fresh dictionnary and start a new analysis *) ; change_event' (* Update the proposition *) ; btn_event (* Next line *) ; update_event ] ) in (* Display all the rules on the right side *) Elr.def_children rules_element ( (fun State.{ rules; current_prop; _ } -> let prev_rules = rules ~f:(fun e -> let message = rule_to_element e in [ El.txt message ] ) and new_rules = (State.get_current_rules current_prop) ~f:(fun e -> let message = rule_to_element e in [ El.txt message ] ) in [ El.div prev_rules; (); El.div new_rules ] ) ev ); (* Create the letter table *) Elr.def_children table_element ( (fun State.{ propositions; fields; _ } -> let props = propositions in let previous = props ~f:(fun proposition -> proposition ~f:(fun prop -> let letter, validity = Option.value ~default:(Jstr.empty, Validity.Missing) prop in let input = El.input ~at: At. [ type' (Jstr.v "text") ; v (Jstr.v "maxLength") (Jstr.v "1") ; value letter ; class' (FieldList.get_class validity) ] () in [ input ] ) |> ) in fields :: previous ) ev ); let last_element = (fun ev -> match (ev.State.current_prop, Motus_lib.Wordlist.list_size ev.State.analysis) with | [], _ | _, 1 -> Some (Jstr.v "true") | _, _ -> None ) ev in (* Hide the next btn when there is no proposition *) Elr.def_at (Jstr.v "hidden") last_element next_btn; Elr.def_at (Jstr.v "hidden") last_element reload; let log state = ignore state; () in Logr.hold (S.log initial_prop log); Logr.hold (S.log ev log) let () = let open Jv in let main = obj [| ("run", repr main) |] in set global "lib" main