open StdLabels type t = unit let process : t -> State.state -> State.state = fun () state -> (* Get the word corresponding to the proposition *) let word = state.State.current_prop |> List.to_seq |> (fun opt -> match opt with | None -> ' ' | Some (letter, _) -> String.get (Jstr.to_string letter) 0 ) |> String.of_seq in let element = List.filter ~f:(fun w -> not (String.equal w word)) state.State.analysis.element in let analysis = { state.analysis with element } in let new_state = { state with analysis } in (* Get the new proposition if any *) let current_prop = Initialize.get_proposition analysis state.rules in match current_prop with | None -> new_state | Some prop -> FieldList.set_with_props prop state.fields new_state.rules; State.{ new_state with current_prop = prop }