open StdLabels type t = float * string module CharSet = Set.Make (Char) let compare_words : string -> ref:string * CharSet.t -> Validity.t array option = fun w1 ~ref -> let wordRef = fst ref in let l1 = String.length w1 in if l1 <> String.length wordRef then None else let result = Array.init l1 ~f:(fun i -> let c1 = String.get w1 i and c2 = String.get wordRef i in let state = if Char.equal c1 c2 then Validity.Wellplaced else if CharSet.mem c1 (snd ref) then Validity.Misplaced else Validity.Missing in state) in Some result (** The module provide the entropy evaluation *) module E : sig type t val create : cardinal:int -> length:int -> t (** Create a new evaluation for the entropy evaluation. [cardinal] is the number of elements in the set [length] is the number of criteria to check with *) val reset : t -> unit (** Reinitialize the state (we use the same in the successive iterations) *) val copy : t -> t (** Create a copy of the evaluation *) val add_element : t:t -> f:('a -> int Seq.t) -> 'a -> unit (** Add an element in the evaluation. The function provided should give the index list match by this element *) val get_entropy : t -> float (** Get the entropy for the evaluation *) end = struct type t = { arr : (int, Bigarray.int_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t ; cardinal : float } let reset t = Bigarray.Array1.fill t.arr 0 let copy t = let arr = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.Int Bigarray.C_layout (Bigarray.Array1.dim t.arr) in Bigarray.Array1.blit t.arr arr; { t with arr } let create : cardinal:int -> length:int -> t = fun ~cardinal ~length -> { arr = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.Int Bigarray.C_layout length ; cardinal = Float.of_int cardinal } (** [get_entropy] will evaluate the entropy of the values in an array. The function return the quantity of information in the state. *) let get_entropy : t -> float = fun t -> let entropy = ref 0. in for idx = 0 to Bigarray.Array1.dim t.arr - 1 do let content = Float.of_int (Bigarray.Array1.get t.arr idx) in if content > 0. then let ratio = content /. t.cardinal in entropy := !entropy -. (ratio *. Float.log2 ratio) done; !entropy let add_element : t:t -> f:('a -> int Seq.t) -> 'a -> unit = fun ~t ~f element -> Seq.iter (fun idx -> let content = Bigarray.Array1.get t.arr idx in Bigarray.Array1.set t.arr idx (succ content)) (f element) end (** Get the word and the highest score by picking the next word from the list. [analyse ~catalog base words] will check each word from [words] and see if it give a good score. This score is matched against each words from [catalog] The [base] argument is the number of letters in each word. *) let analyse : int -> catalog:Wordlist.t -> Wordlist.t -> t = fun base ~catalog words -> (* If we have only two elements, just pick one of them *) if Wordlist.list_size words <= 2 then (0.5, Option.get @@ Wordlist.pick words) else (* Each result from the game is stored as an integer, and we create an array with as many elements as we have possibilities. *) let max_element = Float.to_int @@ (Validity.elements ** Float.of_int base) in let arr = E.create ~length:max_element ~cardinal:(Wordlist.list_size catalog) in match Wordlist.pick words with | None -> (0., "") | Some v -> let score, word, _ = Seq.fold_left (fun (score, word, already_picked) word_ref -> (* Reinitialize the array (we use the same in the successive iterations) *) E.reset arr; let set_ref = String.to_seq word_ref |> CharSet.of_seq in E.add_element ~t:arr set_ref ~f:(fun set_ref -> Seq.filter_map (fun w2 -> let result = compare_words ~ref:(word_ref, set_ref) w2 in Validity.index_of_result result) (Wordlist.words words)); let entropy = E.get_entropy arr in (* If we get more information that we had, use this word. If this word does not add more informations that we already had, choose it anyway if it belongs to the final list (it gives a small chance to pick the right oneā€¦) *) let is_better, already_picked = if entropy > score then (true, false) else if (not already_picked) && entropy == score && Wordlist.mem word_ref words then (true, true) else (false, already_picked) in if is_better then ( Printf.printf "Q. of information when selecting %s : %f\n" word_ref entropy; (entropy, word_ref, already_picked)) else (score, word, already_picked)) (-0., v, false) (Wordlist.words catalog) in (score, word)