open StdLabels open OUnit2 open Motus_lib let validiy_tests = "validity test suite" >::: [ ( "Sequence of elements" >:: fun _ -> assert_equal 243 ( Validity.sequence 5 |> List.of_seq |> List.sort_uniq |> List.length ) ) ; ( "Index of element" >:: fun _ -> assert_equal 0 Validity.(index_of_result [| Wellplaced; Wellplaced |]) ) ; ( "Bijection for all the elements" >:: fun _ -> (* Create an array of 243 elements*) let arr = Array.make 243 false in let seq = Validity.sequence 5 in (* Populate the array *) Seq.iter (fun v -> let idx = Validity.index_of_result v in Array.set arr idx true ) seq; (* Now count the elements set to true *) let count = Array.fold_left arr ~init:0 ~f:(fun acc value -> if value then acc + 1 else acc ) in assert_equal 243 count ) ] let _ = run_test_tt_main ("main tests" >::: [ validiy_tests; Entropy_tests.tests ])