open StdLabels (** Signature for points *) module type P = sig type t val empty : t val get_coord : t -> Gg.v2 val copy : t -> Gg.v2 -> t type 'a repr val create_path : unit -> 'a repr (* Start a new path. *) val start : t -> 'a repr -> 'a repr val line_to : t -> 'a repr -> 'a repr val quadratic_to : t -> t -> t -> t -> 'a repr -> 'a repr val stop : 'a repr -> 'a repr end module Make(Point:P) = struct (** Point creation **) type bezier = { p0:Point.t (* The starting point *) ; p1:Point.t (* The end point *) ; ctrl0:Gg.v2 (* The control point *) ; ctrl1:Gg.v2 } (* The control point *) type t = Point.t list * bezier list let get_new_segment connexion0 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 = let p5' = Point.get_coord p5 and p4' = Point.get_coord p4 and p3' = Point.get_coord p3 and p2' = Point.get_coord p2 and p1' = Point.get_coord p1 in let points_to_link = [ p1' ; p2' ; p3' ; p4' ; p5' ] in Shapes.Bspline.to_bezier ?connexion0 points_to_link let empty = ([], []) let add_point : Point.t -> t -> t = fun lastPoint (path, beziers) -> let (let*) v f = match v with | Ok bezier -> if Array.length bezier > 0 then f (Array.get bezier 0) else lastPoint::path, beziers | _ -> lastPoint::path, beziers in let connexion0 = match beziers with | hd::_ -> Some (Point.get_coord hd.p1) | _ -> None in match path with | p4::p3::p2::p1::_ -> let* bezier = get_new_segment connexion0 lastPoint p4 p3 p2 p1 in let bezier_point = { p0 = lastPoint ; p1 = p4 ; ctrl0 = bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl0 ; ctrl1 = bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl1 } in (* We remove the last point and add the bezier curve in the list*) let firsts = lastPoint::p4::p3::p2::[] in (*firsts, (Shapes.Bezier.reverse bezier)::beziers*) firsts, bezier_point::beziers | _ -> lastPoint::path, beziers let replace_last : Point.t -> t -> t = fun lastPoint ((path, beziers) as t) -> match path, beziers with | _::(tl), beziers -> lastPoint::tl , beziers | _ -> add_point lastPoint t let peek2 : t -> (Point.t * Point.t) option = fun (path, _) -> match path with | h1::h2::_ -> Some (h1, h2) | _ -> None let peek : t -> Point.t option = fun (path, _) -> match path with | [] -> None | hd::_ -> Some hd let get : t -> t = fun t -> t (** Complete path **) (* Transform the result by replacing each start and end point by the version given in the list This allow to keep the informations like angle or nib width inside the bezier curve *) let points_to_beziers : Point.t list -> Shapes.Bezier.t array -> bezier array = fun points beziers -> match points with (* If there is no point to draw, just return empty array *) | [] -> [||] | first_point::_ -> let curves = Array.make ( (List.length points) -1) { p0 = Point.empty ; ctrl0 = Gg.V2.of_tuple (0., 0.) ; ctrl1 = Gg.V2.of_tuple (0., 0.) ; p1 = Point.empty } in let _ = List.fold_left points ~init:(true, first_point, 0) ~f:(fun (first, prev_point, i) point -> if first then (false, prev_point, i) else let bezier_curve = Array.get beziers i in Array.set curves i { p0 = prev_point ; ctrl0 = bezier_curve.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl1 ; ctrl1 = bezier_curve.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl0 ; p1 = point }; (false, point, i + 1) ) in curves (** Drawing path **) let draw : t -> 'a Point.repr = fun (points, beziers) -> let path = Point.create_path () in let path, last = match points with | [] -> ( path , None ) | p1::[] -> ( Point.start p1 path , Some p1 ) | p1::p2::[] -> let path = Point.start p1 path |> Point.line_to p2 in ( path , Some p2 ) | p0::p1::p2::[] -> let path = Point.start p0 path in let b = Shapes.Bezier.three_points_quadratic (Point.get_coord p0) (Point.get_coord p1) (Point.get_coord p2) |> Shapes.Bezier.quadratic_to_cubic in let p0' = Point.copy p0 b.Shapes.Bezier.p0 and ctrl0 = Point.copy p0 b.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl0 and ctrl1 = Point.copy p1 b.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl1 and p2' = Point.copy p1 b.Shapes.Bezier.p1 in ( Point.quadratic_to p0' ctrl0 ctrl1 p2' path , Some p2 ) | (p0::_ as points) -> let (let*) v f = match v with | Ok beziers -> f beziers | _ -> path, None in let points' = ~f:Point.get_coord points in let connexion = match beziers with | [] -> None | hd ::_ -> Some (Point.get_coord hd.p1) in let* beziers = Shapes.Bspline.to_bezier ?connexion1:connexion points' in (* Stdlib does not provide fold_left_i function and we need to map each bezier point with the associated point in the curve. So I use references here for keeping each result element *) let path = ref path in let point = ref p0 in List.iteri points ~f:(fun i pt -> if i < Array.length beziers then ( let bezier = Array.get beziers i in let p0' = Point.copy pt bezier.Shapes.Bezier.p0 and ctrl0 = Point.copy (!point) bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl0 and ctrl1 = Point.copy pt bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl1 and p1' = Point.copy pt bezier.Shapes.Bezier.p1 in path := Point.quadratic_to p0' ctrl0 ctrl1 p1' (!path); let () = if i > 0 then point := pt in () ) ); ( !path , Some !point ) in let path = match last with | None -> path | Some pt -> (* TODO : instead of copying the last point, keeep a track for each point as declared in the type P.t *) List.fold_left beziers ~init:path ~f:(fun path bezier -> let p0' = bezier.p0 and ctrl0 = Point.copy pt bezier.ctrl0 and ctrl1 = Point.copy pt bezier.ctrl1 and p1' = bezier.p1 in Point.quadratic_to p0' ctrl0 ctrl1 p1' path ) in Point.stop path end