(** Signature for points *) module type P = sig type t val get_coord : t -> Gg.v2 val id : t -> int val copy : t -> Gg.v2 -> t end module Make(Point:P) : sig module type BUILDER = sig type t val repr : t -> (module Repr.M with type t = Point.t and type repr = 's) -> 's -> 's end type t (** Return the identifier for this path *) val id : t -> int (** Create a path from a builder *) val to_fixed : (module BUILDER with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> t (** Represent the path *) val repr : t -> (module Repr.M with type t = Point.t and type repr = 's) -> 's -> 's (** Structure to represent all the required information for evaluating the distance between a point and a path *) type approx = { distance : float ; closest_point : Gg.v2 ; ratio : float ; p0 : Point.t ; p1 : Point.t } (** Return the distance between a given point and the curve. May return None if the point is out of the curve *) val distance : Gg.v2 -> t -> approx option (** Iterate over a path *) val iter : t -> f:(Point.t -> unit) -> unit (** Map all the points in the path *) val map : t -> (Point.t -> Point.t) -> t (** Reevaluate all the control points on the path in order to get a smooth curve *) val rebuild : t -> t option (** Delete a point in the path. Reconnect the path without the point removed, and reevaluate all the control points from the nodes return None if the point is not present in the curve *) val remove_point : t -> Point.t -> t option (** Replace a point by the given one. An existing point with the same id shall be present in the path. The path is not fully evaluated, and rebuild shall be runned in order to get the path completely smooth. *) val replace_point : t -> Point.t -> t option end