module Path = Brr_canvas.C2d.Path module V2 = Gg.V2 type t = Path.t let create : unit -> t = Path.create (* Start a new path. *) let move_to : Gg.v2 -> t -> t = fun point path -> let x, y = V2.to_tuple point in Path.move_to ~x ~y path; path let line_to : Gg.v2 -> t -> t = fun point path -> let x, y = V2.to_tuple point in Path.line_to ~x ~y path; path let quadratic_to : Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> t -> t = fun ctrl0 ctrl1 p1 path -> let cx, cy = V2.to_tuple ctrl0 and cx', cy' = V2.to_tuple ctrl1 and x, y = V2.to_tuple p1 in Path.ccurve_to ~cx ~cy ~cx' ~cy' ~x ~y path; path let close : t -> t = fun path -> Path.close path; path