module State = Script_state.State module Selection = Script_state.Selection (** Handle a click outside of the selection *) type t = { point : float * float ; timer : Elements.Timer.t ; worker : Brr_webworkers.Worker.t } let apply {point; timer ; worker} state = match state.State.mode with | Edit -> let stamp = Elements.Timer.delay timer in Elements.Timer.stop timer; begin match Path.Path_Builder.peek2 state.current with (* If there is at last two points selected, handle this as a curve creation. And we add the new point in the current path *) | Some _ -> let current = State.insert_or_replace state point stamp state.current in let path = Path.Fixed.to_fixed (module Path.Path_Builder) current in (* Create a copy from the path with all the interior points *) let back = path (fun pt -> Path.Point.copy pt @@ Path.Point.get_coord' pt) in let last = Outline.{ path ; back ; id = Outline.get_id () } in (* Send to the worker for a full review *) let () = worker (`Complete last) in let state = { state with mode = Out ; paths = last::state.paths ; current = Path.Path_Builder.empty } in state (* Else, check if there is a curve under the cursor, and remove it *) | None -> let current = Path.Path_Builder.empty in begin match Selection.get_from_paths point state.paths with | _, None -> { state with mode = Out ; current } | dist, Some selection -> State.select_segment point selection { state with current } dist end end | mode when Elements.Timer.delay timer < 0.3 -> state mode | _ -> State.longClick point state worker state.mode