module State = Script_state.State module Selection = Script_state.Selection module Path = Script_path let update_property worker state value f = function | None -> state | Some (Selection.Path outline) -> (* Change width for the whole path *) let outline = { outline with Outline.path = outline.Outline.path (fun p -> f p value) } in worker (`Back outline); state | Some (Point (outline, point)) -> let path = outline.path (fun pt -> match pt = point with | false -> pt | true -> f pt value ) in let outline = { outline with path } in worker (`Back outline); state type t = { prop : [ `Angle | `Width ] ; value : float ; worker : Brr_webworkers.Worker.t } let process { prop; value; worker } state = match prop with | `Angle -> let angle = value in ( match state.State.mode with | Selection t -> let state = { state with angle } in Selection.find_selection t state.paths |> update_property worker state angle Path.Point.set_angle | _ -> { state with angle } ) | `Width -> let width = value in ( match state.State.mode with | Selection t -> let state = { state with width } in Selection.find_selection t state.paths |> update_property worker state width Path.Point.set_width | _ -> { state with width } )