open StdLabels type t = | Path of int | Point of (int * Path.Point.t) let threshold = 20. let get_from_paths : (float * float) -> Outline.t list -> float * (Gg.v2 * Outline.t * Path.Point.t * Path.Point.t) option = fun position outlines -> let point = Gg.V2.of_tuple position in (* If the user click on a curve, select it *) List.fold_left outlines ~init:(threshold, None) ~f:(fun (dist, selection) outline -> match Path.Fixed.distance point outline.Outline.path with | Some { closest_point ; distance; p0; p1 ; ratio} when distance < dist -> ratio, Some (closest_point, outline, p0, p1) | _ -> dist, selection ) let select_path : Outline.t -> t = fun outline -> Path let select_point : Outline.t -> Gg.v2 -> t = fun outline v2_point -> let point' = ref None in let dist = ref threshold in Path.Fixed.iter outline.Outline.path ~f:(fun p -> let open Gg.V2 in let new_dist = norm ((Path.Point.get_coord p) - v2_point) in match (new_dist < !dist) with | false -> () | true -> dist:= new_dist; point' := Some p ); match !point' with | Some point -> Point (, point) | None -> Path ( (* (* If the point does not exists, find the exact point on the curve *) let coord = Gg.V2.to_tuple v2_point in begin match get_from_paths coord [path] with | _, None -> Path ( path) | f, Some (point, path, p0, p1) -> let point' = Path.Point.mix f point p0 p1 in Point ( path, point') end *)