module Path = Script_path type 'a selection = | Path of 'a | Point of ('a * Path.Point.t) type t = int selection val threshold : float val get_from_paths : float * float -> Outline.t list -> float * (Gg.v2 * Outline.t * Path.Point.t * Path.Point.t) option (** Return the closest path from the list to a given point. The path is returned with all thoses informations : - The point in the path - The path itself - The starting point from the path - The end point in the path *) val select_path : Outline.t -> t val select_point : Outline.t -> Gg.v2 -> t (** Check for selecting a point on the given outline. If no point is available, select the path. *) val find_selection : int selection -> Outline.t list -> Outline.t selection option