(** Bezier curve *) module Utils = Tools.Utils type quadratic = { p0:Gg.v2 (* The starting point *) ; p1:Gg.v2 (* The end point *) ; ctrl:Gg.v2 } (* The control point *) type t = { p0:Gg.v2 (* The starting point *) ; p1:Gg.v2 (* The end point *) ; ctrl0:Gg.v2 (* The control point *) ; ctrl1:Gg.v2 } (* The control point *) (** Build a control point for a quadratic curve for passing throuht 3 points. taken from https://xuhehuan.com/2608.html also look to https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#pointcurves *) let three_points_quadratic : Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> quadratic = fun p0 c1 p1 -> let open Gg.V2 in let vect_1 = p0 - c1 and vect_2 = p1 - c1 in let norm1 = norm vect_1 and norm2 = norm vect_2 in let v = (Float.sqrt (norm1 *. norm2)) /. 2. in let ctrl = c1 - v * (( vect_1 / norm1) + (vect_2 / norm2)) in {p0; p1; ctrl} (** Convert a cubic bezier curve into a quadratic one *) let quadratic_to_cubic : quadratic -> t = fun {p0; p1; ctrl} -> let coef = 2. /. 3. in let open Gg.V2 in { p0 ; p1 ; ctrl0 = mix p0 ctrl coef ; ctrl1 = mix p1 ctrl coef } let abc_ratio : int -> float -> float = fun n t -> let n' = Float.of_int n in let bottom = (Float.pow t n') +. (Float.pow (1. -. t) n') in let top = bottom -. 1. in Float.abs (top /. bottom) let half_cubic_ratio = abc_ratio 3 0.5 exception Not_found (** https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#pointcurves *) let three_points_cubic : float -> Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> t = fun f p0 p1 p2 -> let open Gg.V2 in let c = half ( p0 + p2) in let a = p1 + ((p1 - c) / half_cubic_ratio) in let vect1_0 = p1 - p0 in let vect2_0 = p2 - p0 in let d1 = norm vect1_0 and d2 = norm (p2 - p1) in let t = d1 /. (d1 +. d2) in let angle_1_0 = angle vect1_0 and angle_2_0 = angle vect2_0 in (* get our e1-e2 distances *) let angle = mod_float (Gg.Float.two_pi +. angle_2_0 -. angle_1_0) Gg.Float.two_pi in let distance = (norm vect2_0) *. f in let bc = if angle < 0. || angle > Gg.Float.pi then Float.(neg distance) else distance in let de1 = t *. bc and de2 = (1. -. t) *. bc in (* get the circle-aligned slope as normalized dx/dy *) let center = Utils.center p0 p1 p2 in match center with | None -> raise Not_found | Some center -> let t' = p1 - center in let tangent0 = v ((x p1) -. (y t')) ((y p1) +. (x t')) and tangent1 = v ((x p1) +. (y t')) ((y p1) -. (x t')) in let d = unit (tangent1 - tangent0) in (* then set up an e1 and e2 parallel to the baseline *) let e1 = p1 + de1 * d and e2 = p1 - de2 * d in (* then use those e1/e2 to derive the new hull coordinates *) let v1 = a + (e1 - a) / (1. -. t) and v2 = a + (e2 - a) / t in let ctrl0 = p0 + (v1 - p0) / t and ctrl1 = p2 + (v2 -p2) / (1. -. t) in {p0; p1 = p2; ctrl0; ctrl1} (** Split a bezier curve in two at a given position *) let slice : float -> t -> t * t = fun t {p0; p1; ctrl0; ctrl1} -> let mix p1 p2 = Gg.V2.mix p1 p2 t in let p12 = mix p0 ctrl0 and p23 = mix ctrl0 ctrl1 and p34 = mix ctrl1 p1 in let p123 = mix p12 p23 and p234 = mix p23 p34 in let p1234 = mix p123 p234 in ( { p0 ; ctrl0 = p12 ; ctrl1 = p123 ; p1 = p1234 } , { p0 = p1234 ; ctrl0 = p234 ; ctrl1 = p34 ; p1 } ) let get_closest_point : Gg.v2 -> t -> float * Gg.v2 = fun point t -> let rec f min max t = (* First devide the curve in two *) let seq_0, seq_1 = slice 0.5 t in let avg = (min +. max) /. 2. in let p0 = t.p0 and p1 = t.p1 and p01 = seq_0.p1 in (* seq_0.p1 = seq_1.p0 *) let open Gg.V2 in let center0 = mix p0 p01 0.5 and center1 = mix p01 p1 0.5 in if Tools.Utils.equal_point 0.001 p0 p1 then avg, p01 else if (norm (point - center0)) < (norm (point - center1)) then f min avg seq_0 else f avg max seq_1 in f 0. 1. t let reverse : t -> t = fun bezier -> { p0 = bezier.p1 ; p1 = bezier.p0 ; ctrl0 = bezier.ctrl1 ; ctrl1 = bezier.ctrl0 }