{ open Js_of_ocaml exception SyntaxError of string * Lexing.lexbuf exception Eof type arrow = | Forward | Backward | Both | None type jstring = Js.js_string Js.t type res = | NewLine | Root of jstring | Entry of jstring * (jstring * jstring * arrow) option | Redirection of jstring * jstring * arrow | Separator let get_arrow = begin function | "<-" -> Backward | "<->" -> Both | "--" -> None | _ -> Forward end } let space = ['\000' '\t' '\x0C' ' '] let spaces = space* let newline = spaces ("\r\n" | '\n' | '\r')+ (* Any character except the delimiters and spaces *) let regular = [^ '\n' '\x0C' '\r' ] let target_id = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '0'-'9']+ (':' ['0'-'9']+)? let arrow = "->" | "--" | "<-" | "<->" rule parse_line = shortest | eof { raise Eof } | newline {NewLine} | space+ '-'+ newline {Separator} | (target_id as _1) newline { Root (Js.string _1) } | (spaces as _1) (arrow as _arrow) space+ (target_id as _target) spaces (regular* as comment) newline { Redirection ( Js.string _target, Js.string comment, (get_arrow _arrow))} | spaces (regular+ as _2) space+ (arrow as _arrow) space+ (target_id as _target) spaces (regular* as comment) newline { Entry (Js.string _2, Some (Js.string _target, Js.string comment, (get_arrow _arrow)))} | (spaces as _1) (regular+ as _2) newline { Entry (Js.string _2, None) }