path: root/latex_pgfornament/texmf/tex/generic/am
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'latex_pgfornament/texmf/tex/generic/am')
2 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/latex_pgfornament/texmf/tex/generic/am/am1.pgf b/latex_pgfornament/texmf/tex/generic/am/am1.pgf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e93c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latex_pgfornament/texmf/tex/generic/am/am1.pgf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\m 0 0
+\c 50 0 150 0 200 16
+\c 250 0 350 0 400 0
+\l 400 1
+\c 350 0 250 0 200 22
+\c 150 0 50 0 0 1
+\l 0 0
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/latex_pgfornament/texmf/tex/generic/am/am2.pgf b/latex_pgfornament/texmf/tex/generic/am/am2.pgf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eff23a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latex_pgfornament/texmf/tex/generic/am/am2.pgf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+\r 0 0 111 113
+\m 109.5757 110.0066
+\c 107.5994 110.3378 94.3775 111.5618 88.9032 105.7442
+\c 86.2525 107.3474 82.368 108.2338 77.204 107.4194
+\c 76.9306 107.3746 76.6752 107.309 76.4095 107.2562
+\c 74.0282 110.1474 69.1962 112.6466 63.5696 110.2754
+\c 56.2571 107.1906 57.0563 99.2498 60.9407 97.3666
+\c 61.1939 97.2434 61.4368 97.1842 61.6837 97.1074
+\c 59.8767 95.1714 57.9298 93.013 55.7149 90.6546
+\c 53.2946 91.0658 50.9103 91.8018 48.6024 92.7922
+\c 49.5274 94.069 50.2672 95.6338 50.6994 97.5922
+\c 52.2219 104.5234 46.3547 112.9042 37.8269 113.1314
+\c 34.04 113.2338 30.4837 111.9186 27.7211 109.6194
+\c 21.9798 114.3122 16.6579 113.269 14.2704 110.3874
+\c 11.3322 106.8418 12.6141 100.5634 12.6141 100.5634
+\c 12.6141 100.5634 6.4758 102.1074 3.1134 98.9554
+\c 0.6002 96.5954 -0.596 90.9234 4.5728 85.0834
+\c 1.5008 82.0738 -0.2483 77.8322 0.0282 73.3266
+\c 0.5485 64.8098 9.1206 59.237 15.9978 60.9938
+\c 18.5274 61.6434 20.4306 62.7602 21.7962 64.1714
+\c 22.7821 61.8482 23.5024 59.4466 23.8853 57.0082
+\c 21.6211 54.7122 19.5269 52.6818 17.643 50.8178
+\c 17.5698 51.381 17.4243 51.9682 17.1173 52.5666
+\c 15.1517 56.4098 7.1954 57.0418 4.2666 49.669
+\c 1.9883 43.9458 4.6603 39.1282 7.6314 36.8338
+\c 7.3899 35.981 7.2008 35.0978 7.0859 34.1698
+\c 6.4485 28.9778 7.4666 25.125 9.1618 22.5314
+\c 3.5352 16.8594 5.211 3.6914 5.6077 1.7282
+\c 6.068 -0.5438 8.5206 -0.9934 8.0829 2.957
+\c 7.6477 6.8482 5.9406 11.349 7.4915 17.357
+\c 8.0141 19.3874 8.8078 20.7938 9.6954 21.781
+\c 10.7494 20.429 11.9923 19.4946 13.2462 18.9842
+\c 15.7899 17.9506 18.272 19.0802 18.6509 21.4562
+\c 19.0261 23.8306 16.5149 25.957 12.3702 24.5938
+\c 11.7792 24.389 11.2338 24.125 10.7328 23.8162
+\c 9.3642 26.5282 8.7806 30.5778 9.947 35.5778
+\c 10.0181 35.557 10.0923 35.5266 10.161 35.509
+\c 16.1923 33.9778 27.7126 37.7634 25.6539 54.2338
+\c 25.5392 55.1522 25.3806 56.0434 25.2048 56.9218
+\c 28.3509 60.293 30.9048 64.0754 31.5509 69.6818
+\c 33.0571 82.7538 24.7742 89.4946 15.4752 89.4818
+\c 11.8634 89.4754 8.6549 88.3106 6.1008 86.4002
+\c 3.4338 90.1474 3.3438 94.3042 5.0022 96.1362
+\c 6.9002 98.2338 9.4024 99.0002 14.7189 98.7714
+\c 14.3758 104.085 15.0696 106.6194 17.1259 108.5634
+\c 18.8094 110.1538 22.5579 110.2114 26.1525 108.0946
+\c 23.6118 105.2754 22.0704 101.469 22.2126 97.1378
+\c 22.5165 87.8434 29.5392 79.797 42.5494 81.7506
+\c 48.6024 82.6594 52.44 85.7218 55.904 89.3554
+\c 57.0594 89.1218 58.2338 88.9218 59.4579 88.7954
+\c 75.9642 87.0818 79.5072 98.6786 77.8501 104.6786
+\c 77.8261 104.7666 77.7847 104.8562 77.7547 104.9442
+\c 81.8751 105.725 85.2696 105.2386 87.6767 104.1298
+\c 87.3837 103.6194 87.1392 103.0658 86.9539 102.469
+\c 85.7352 98.2786 87.9439 95.8418 90.3048 96.2978
+\c 92.665 96.7538 93.7103 99.277 92.5907 101.781
+\c 92.0376 103.0178 91.0603 104.229 89.672 105.2338
+\c 90.6306 106.1586 92.0048 106.997 94.0175 107.5906
+\c 99.9688 109.3458 104.5251 107.7938 108.4322 107.4946
+\c 112.3931 107.1874 111.8626 109.629 109.5757 110.0066