AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-03Change the order of options in rofi desktop shortcutSébastien Dailly
2023-10-01Update the bspwm scripts. Added a theme for rofiSébastien Dailly
2023-05-16bspwm: send update the macropad each time the node is updatedSébastien Dailly
2023-05-16bspwm: simple reformattingSébastien Dailly
2023-05-14BSPWM: Add the macropad script on startupSébastien Dailly
2023-05-14BSPWM: update desktop scriptSébastien Dailly
2022-12-29Changed the dircolorsSébastien Dailly
2022-12-29bspwm: changed the shortcut for switching between workspacesSébastien Dailly
2022-12-29Update latex stylesSébastien Dailly
2022-12-29bspwm: Update the script to rename desktopSébastien Dailly
2022-12-29Removed i3 configuration from polybarSébastien Dailly
2022-12-28Removed i3 configuration from polybarSébastien Dailly
2022-09-14Added function keys 6-9Sébastien Dailly
2022-08-24Update sxhkd scriptsSébastien Dailly
2022-08-14Update duplicity configurationSébastien Dailly
2022-08-03Update the wallpaper background scriptSébastien Dailly
2022-08-03sxhkd script : update the firefox nameSébastien Dailly
2022-08-03sxhkd script : search a pattern instead of a exact nameSébastien Dailly
2022-07-01Added gitignoreSébastien Dailly
2022-04-10Renamed workspacesSébastien Dailly
2022-02-21Removed bashism in sxhkd scriptsSébastien Dailly
2021-12-28Update bspwm scriptsSébastien Dailly
2021-11-29Update bspwm configurationSébastien Dailly
2021-11-16Update backup gpg keySébastien Dailly
2021-11-16Removed tengwar icons in polybarSébastien Dailly
2021-11-16Update bspwm color for urgent window in polybarSébastien Dailly
2021-11-16Update tengwar icons in polybarSébastien Dailly
2021-11-16Fullscreen window correctionSébastien Dailly
2021-11-16Added Signal in bspwm desktopSébastien Dailly
2021-10-24Update config, switched to nord themeSébastien Dailly
2021-10-24rxvt script for copy/pasteSébastien Dailly
2021-10-24Update backup pathSébastien Dailly
2021-10-24color configurationSébastien Dailly
2021-10-24Bspwm configurationSébastien Dailly
2021-09-30Update VNC confSébastien Dailly
2021-09-30Duplicate backup in GRA and WAWSébastien Dailly
2021-09-14Update i3 workspace dispositionSébastien Dailly
2021-09-14i3 config updateSébastien Dailly
2021-09-14Gradient over time backgroundSébastien Dailly
2021-09-14Variable declarion in polybar configSébastien Dailly
2021-08-13Tengwar icons in polybarSébastien Dailly
2021-08-09Update i3 configurationSébastien Dailly
2021-08-09Added kitty in term list for pdf workspaceSébastien Dailly
2021-08-09Added rename script in i3Sébastien Dailly
2021-04-17Added vnc configurationSébastien Dailly
2021-03-24Update duply script for local restoreSébastien Dailly
2021-02-28Mise à jour des sauvegardes domDominique
2021-02-26Added backup for ebooksSébastien Dailly
2021-02-22Update latex default templateSébastien Dailly
2021-02-22Update config to vncSébastien Dailly