# base directory to backup SOURCE='/home/sebastien/Documents/jdr' # Storage directory export STORAGE_NAME="jdr" export PCA_OS_REGION_NAME=GRA export HOT_OS_REGION_NAME=GRA GPG_KEYS_ENC='2421BCBD56473645,933FFFBA5E8867338DF2FF645E23E7695299F9AB' GPG_KEY_SIGN='F6859BC3CC712DF8' # set if signing key passphrase differs from encryption (key) passphrase # NOTE: available since duplicity 0.6.14, translates to SIGN_PASSPHRASE #GPG_PW_SIGN='' # uncomment and set a file path or name force duply to use this gpg executable # available in duplicity 0.7.04 and above (currently unreleased 06/2015) #GPG='/usr/local/gpg-2.1/bin/gpg' # gpg options passed from duplicity to gpg process (default='') # e.g. "--trust-model pgp|classic|direct|always" # or "--compress-algo=bzip2 --bzip2-compress-level=9" # or "--personal-cipher-preferences AES256,AES192,AES..." # or "--homedir ~/.duply" - keep keyring and gpg settings duply specific # or "--pinentry-mode loopback" - needed for GPG 2.1+ _and_ # also enable allow-loopback-pinentry in your .gnupg/gpg-agent.conf #GPG_OPTS='' . ~/scripts/duplicity/duply_common.sh