path: root/lib/analysers/dependency.ml
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authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-03-14 08:26:58 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-03-14 08:26:58 +0100
commit6b377719c10d5ab3343fd5221f99a4a21008e25a (patch)
treea7c1e9a820d339a2f161af3e09cf9e3161286796 /lib/analysers/dependency.ml
Initial commitmain
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/analysers/dependency.ml')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/analysers/dependency.ml b/lib/analysers/dependency.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e81cc49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/analysers/dependency.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+open StdLabels
+module IntSet = ImportContainers.IntSet
+module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax
+module Table = ImportDataTypes.Table
+module Path = ImportDataTypes.Path
+module Expression = ImportExpression.T
+ Internally, the dependency chain is represented as a graph.
+ Each file to process (csv or xlsx) is marked as a node, The link between
+ each node cannot be represented in the graph because each index can imply
+ multiple tables together (for exemple [join(source.A, other.B)] ). So the
+ graph is only used in order to get the import process order, and each
+ information is keeped in a separate table.
+type deps = (ImportContainers.Source.t * ImportContainers.Source.t list) list
+type key = {
+ name : string;
+ expression : Path.column Expression.t;
+ columns : ImportContainers.IntSet.t Lazy.t;
+type t = {
+ table : Table.t;
+ columns : IntSet.t;
+ keys : key list;
+let table t = t.table
+let columns t = t.columns
+let keys t = t.keys
+type build_map = t ImportContainers.Externals.t
+(* The expression can be qualified with full path (when we are in the column
+ definition) or only with a column (in a binding with an externanl table).
+ This type is here to extract the correct information, according to the type
+ we are dealing with :
+ - [to_mapping] allow to pick the right Set in which we need to add the
+ column pointed by the path (this can be [keys] or [columns]
+ - [of_path] is need to extract the qualified source from any kind of path.
+type 'a expression_extractor = {
+ to_mapping : t -> Path.column -> t;
+ of_path : 'a -> string option * Path.column;
+(** [add_path_in_map f parent path ] Extract the column from element [path] and
+ process the column in the function [f]
+ The [path] is abstract, but the function [f.of_path] can extract the needed
+ elements in order to add it in the mapping.
+ The function may raise [Unknown_source] if the the path describe an unknown
+ table. *)
+let add_path_in_map :
+ f:'a expression_extractor -> conf:Syntax.t -> 'a -> build_map -> build_map =
+ fun ~f ~conf path map ->
+ let table_source, column = f.of_path path in
+ let table =
+ try ImportConf.get_table_for_name conf table_source with
+ | Not_found -> raise (ImportErrors.Unknown_source (Option.get table_source))
+ in
+ ImportContainers.Externals.update map
+ ~key:(ImportContainers.KeyName.from_table table) ~f:(fun v ->
+ let mapping =
+ match v with
+ | None -> raise (ImportErrors.Unknown_source table.name)
+ | Some mapping -> mapping
+ in
+ Some (f.to_mapping mapping column))
+let add_expression_in_map :
+ f:'a expression_extractor ->
+ conf:Syntax.t ->
+ 'a Expression.t ->
+ build_map ->
+ build_map =
+ fun ~f ~conf expr map ->
+ Expression.fold_values expr ~init:map ~f:(fun map p ->
+ add_path_in_map ~f ~conf p map)
+let add_columns_in_map :
+ f:'a expression_extractor ->
+ conf:Syntax.t ->
+ 'a Expression.t list ->
+ build_map ->
+ build_map =
+ fun ~f ~conf columns map ->
+ let columns =
+ List.fold_left columns ~init:map ~f:(fun map expression ->
+ let new_map = add_expression_in_map ~f ~conf expression map in
+ new_map)
+ in
+ columns
+(* [add_dependancies ~conf source map path]
+ add the dependancy from the table [source] to another one after analysing the
+ expression and extracting the path contained inside.
+ This function is called for each path declared inside the expression. *)
+let add_dependancies : conf:Syntax.t -> Syntax.extern -> deps -> Path.t -> deps
+ =
+ fun ~conf extern graph path ->
+ let source_table = ImportConf.get_table_for_name conf path.Path.alias in
+ let source = ImportContainers.Source.from_table source_table in
+ let target = ImportContainers.Source.from_table extern.target in
+ match ImportContainers.Source.equal target source with
+ | true -> graph
+ | _ -> (target, [ source ]) :: graph
+let add_external_in_map :
+ conf:Syntax.t -> Syntax.extern -> build_map * deps -> build_map * deps =
+ fun ~conf extern (map, graph) ->
+ let dest = ImportContainers.KeyName.from_table extern.target in
+ (* Pre-check that every source is already declared in the configuration. *)
+ let _ =
+ Expression.fold_values extern.intern_key ~init:() ~f:(fun () path ->
+ try
+ let _ = ImportConf.get_table_for_name conf path.Path.alias in
+ ()
+ with
+ | Not_found -> (
+ match path.alias with
+ | Some table -> raise (ImportErrors.Unknown_source table)
+ | None ->
+ (* This is very unlikely. This error would be raised if we have
+ no source for this import *)
+ let root = conf.source in
+ raise (ImportErrors.Unknown_source root.name)))
+ in
+ (* Create the new key with all the expression and all the columns inside it *)
+ let new_key =
+ {
+ name = extern.target.Table.name;
+ expression = extern.extern_key;
+ columns =
+ lazy
+ (Expression.fold_values extern.extern_key
+ ~f:(fun acc k -> ImportContainers.IntSet.add k acc)
+ ~init:ImportContainers.IntSet.empty);
+ }
+ in
+ let build_map =
+ ImportContainers.Externals.update map ~key:dest ~f:(function
+ | None ->
+ (* Create the entry for the external if it does not exists *)
+ Some
+ {
+ table = extern.target;
+ columns = IntSet.empty;
+ keys = [ new_key ];
+ }
+ | Some mapping ->
+ (* Or update the existing one with the key we just created *)
+ Some { mapping with keys = new_key :: mapping.keys })
+ in
+ let graph =
+ Expression.fold_values extern.intern_key ~init:graph
+ ~f:(add_dependancies ~conf extern)
+ in
+ let build_map =
+ add_expression_in_map extern.intern_key build_map ~conf
+ ~f:
+ {
+ of_path =
+ (fun Path.{ alias; column } ->
+ let table = ImportConf.get_table_for_name conf alias in
+ (Some table.name, column));
+ to_mapping =
+ (fun mapping column ->
+ { mapping with columns = IntSet.add column mapping.columns });
+ }
+ in
+ (build_map, graph)
+let mapper =
+ {
+ to_mapping =
+ (fun mapping column ->
+ { mapping with columns = IntSet.add column mapping.columns });
+ of_path = (fun ({ alias; column } : Path.t) -> (alias, column));
+ }
+let get_mapping : Syntax.t -> build_map * deps =
+ fun conf ->
+ let root = ImportContainers.Source.from_table (ImportConf.root_table conf)
+ and root' =
+ ImportContainers.KeyName.from_table (ImportConf.root_table conf)
+ in
+ let graph = [ (root, []) ] in
+ (* For each external declared in the configuration file, add the columns to
+ query *)
+ let init =
+ ( ImportContainers.Externals.singleton root'
+ {
+ table = ImportConf.root_table conf;
+ columns = IntSet.empty;
+ keys = [];
+ },
+ graph )
+ in
+ let map, graph =
+ List.fold_left conf.externals ~init ~f:(fun map extern ->
+ add_external_in_map ~conf extern map)
+ in
+ (* Now we don’t bother anymore with the graph and it’s dependency, we just
+ collect all the columns in the differents expressions *)
+ let map =
+ map
+ |> add_columns_in_map ~conf ~f:mapper conf.columns
+ |> add_columns_in_map ~conf ~f:mapper conf.sort
+ |> add_columns_in_map ~conf ~f:mapper conf.filters
+ |> add_columns_in_map ~conf ~f:mapper conf.uniq
+ in
+ (map, graph)
+let get_process_order : Syntax.t -> t list =
+ fun map ->
+ let map, graph = get_mapping map in
+ match Tsort.sort graph with
+ | Tsort.ErrorCycle l ->
+ let name_of_key k =
+ ImportContainers.(Externals.find (Source.name k) map).table.name
+ in
+ raise (ImportErrors.Cycle (List.map ~f:name_of_key l))
+ | Sorted elements ->
+ (* It’s OK, we know there is no cycles now, we can extract the files to
+ load from this list.
+ *)
+ List.filter_map elements ~f:(fun v ->
+ ImportContainers.Externals.find_opt
+ (ImportContainers.Source.name v)
+ map)
+ (* This list can still have duplicated values, and we have to remove them
+ still keeping the order.
+ *)
+ |> List.fold_left ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc element ->
+ (* Prevent the same file to beeing loaded twice *)
+ match List.mem element ~set:acc with
+ | true -> acc
+ | false -> element :: acc)