path: root/tests/analyser_dependency.ml
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authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-03-14 08:26:58 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-03-14 08:26:58 +0100
commit6b377719c10d5ab3343fd5221f99a4a21008e25a (patch)
treea7c1e9a820d339a2f161af3e09cf9e3161286796 /tests/analyser_dependency.ml
Initial commitmain
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/analyser_dependency.ml')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/analyser_dependency.ml b/tests/analyser_dependency.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea7727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/analyser_dependency.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+open OUnit2
+open StdLabels
+module A = ImportAnalyser.Dependency
+module Cont = ImportContainers
+module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax
+module Expression = ImportExpression.T
+module Table = ImportDataTypes.Table
+open ConfLoader
+let test_order =
+ "Order" >:: fun _ ->
+ let order = A.get_process_order conf |> List.map ~f:A.table in
+ let expected_order =
+ [ external_table_last; external_table_other; external_table_source ]
+ in
+ assert_equal ~cmp:(cmp_list cmp_source) ~printer:show_sources expected_order
+ order
+let test_columns =
+ "Columns" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expected_colums = Cont.IntSet.of_list [ 1; 2 ] in
+ let columns =
+ A.get_process_order conf
+ |> List.find ~f:(fun v -> A.table v = external_table_source)
+ |> A.columns
+ in
+ assert_equal
+ ~cmp:(fun a b -> 0 = Cont.IntSet.compare a b)
+ ~printer:Cont.show_intSet expected_colums columns
+let test_keys =
+ "Keys" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* We should have one key in the table other, because it is referenced as a
+ source in last file *)
+ let expected_keys =
+ A.
+ [
+ {
+ name = "other";
+ expression = Expression.Path 3;
+ columns = lazy (Cont.IntSet.singleton 3);
+ };
+ ]
+ in
+ let keys =
+ A.get_process_order conf
+ |> List.find ~f:(fun v -> A.table v = external_table_other)
+ |> A.keys
+ in
+ assert_equal ~cmp:(cmp_list key_cmp) ~printer:keys_printer expected_keys keys
+let test_keys_missing =
+ "Keys missing" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* We have no key in last_file because the key is declared as missing *)
+ let expected_keys =
+ A.
+ [
+ {
+ name = "last_file";
+ expression = Expression.Path 3;
+ columns = lazy (Cont.IntSet.singleton 3);
+ };
+ ]
+ in
+ let keys =
+ A.get_process_order conf
+ |> List.find ~f:(fun v -> A.table v = external_table_last)
+ |> A.keys
+ in
+ assert_equal ~cmp:(cmp_list key_cmp) ~printer:keys_printer expected_keys keys
+let test_unknow_source =
+ "Unknown source" >:: fun _ ->
+ let conf = { conf with externals = [] } in
+ assert_raises (ImportErrors.Unknown_source "last_file") (fun () ->
+ A.get_process_order conf)
+let test_unordered =
+ "Unorderd references" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* Externals not described in the right order shall not raise any
+ error. *)
+ let conf =
+ load
+ {|version = 1
+ file = "source.xlsx"
+ name = "source"
+ intern_key = ":other.A"
+ file = "last.xlsx"
+ extern_key = ":C"
+ allow_missing = true
+ intern_key = ":A"
+ file = "other.xlsx"
+ extern_key = ":C"
+ allow_missing = false
+ columns = []|}
+ in
+ assert_raises (ImportErrors.Unknown_source "other") (fun () ->
+ A.get_process_order conf)
+let test_circular =
+ "Unlinked reference" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* A reference to itself should be understood *)
+ let conf =
+ load
+ {|version = 1
+ file = "source.xlsx"
+ name = "source"
+ intern_key = ":circular.A"
+ file = "last.xlsx"
+ extern_key = ":A"
+ allow_missing = true
+ columns = []|}
+ in
+ let elements = A.get_process_order conf in
+ assert_equal ~printer:string_of_int 1 (List.length elements)
+let test_unlinked =
+ "Circular reference" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* An element linked to anything (except itself) should be ignored *)
+ let conf =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = external_table_source;
+ externals =
+ [
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = Some "circular2"; column = 1 };
+ target = { file = "other.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "circular" };
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = true;
+ match_rule = None;
+ };
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = Some "circular"; column = 1 };
+ target = { file = "other2.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "circular2" };
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = true;
+ match_rule = None;
+ };
+ ];
+ columns = [];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+ in
+ assert_raises (ImportErrors.Unknown_source "circular2") (fun () ->
+ A.get_process_order conf |> List.map ~f:A.table)
+let conf_with_unlinked =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = external_table_source;
+ externals =
+ [
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = None; column = 1 };
+ target = { file = "other.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "other" };
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = false;
+ match_rule = None;
+ };
+ ];
+ columns =
+ [
+ Concat [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 }; Literal "_"; Empty ];
+ Path { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ ];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+(** A table referenced only in a filter list shall be loaded correctly *)
+let test_order_filter =
+ "Order filter" >:: fun _ ->
+ let order =
+ {
+ conf_with_unlinked with
+ filters = [ Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 5 } ];
+ }
+ |> A.get_process_order |> List.map ~f:A.table
+ in
+ let expected_order = [ external_table_other; external_table_source ] in
+ assert_equal ~printer:show_sources expected_order order
+(** A table referenced only in the order list shall be loaded correctly *)
+let test_order_sort =
+ "Order sort" >:: fun _ ->
+ let order =
+ {
+ conf_with_unlinked with
+ sort = [ Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 5 } ];
+ }
+ |> A.get_process_order |> List.map ~f:A.table
+ in
+ let expected_order = [ external_table_other; external_table_source ] in
+ assert_equal ~printer:show_sources expected_order order
+(** A table referenced only in the uniq list shall be loaded correctly *)
+let test_order_uniq =
+ "Order uniq" >:: fun _ ->
+ let order =
+ {
+ conf_with_unlinked with
+ uniq = [ Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 5 } ];
+ }
+ |> A.get_process_order |> List.map ~f:A.table
+ in
+ let expected_order = [ external_table_other; external_table_source ] in
+ assert_equal ~printer:show_sources expected_order order
+let tests =
+ "analyser_dependency"
+ >::: [
+ test_order;
+ test_columns;
+ test_keys;
+ test_keys_missing;
+ test_unknow_source;
+ test_unordered;
+ test_circular;
+ test_unlinked;
+ test_order_filter;
+ test_order_sort;
+ test_order_uniq;
+ ]