path: root/tests
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-03-14 08:26:58 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-03-14 08:26:58 +0100
commit6b377719c10d5ab3343fd5221f99a4a21008e25a (patch)
treea7c1e9a820d339a2f161af3e09cf9e3161286796 /tests
Initial commitmain
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
20 files changed, 1766 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/analyser_dependency.ml b/tests/analyser_dependency.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea7727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/analyser_dependency.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+open OUnit2
+open StdLabels
+module A = ImportAnalyser.Dependency
+module Cont = ImportContainers
+module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax
+module Expression = ImportExpression.T
+module Table = ImportDataTypes.Table
+open ConfLoader
+let test_order =
+ "Order" >:: fun _ ->
+ let order = A.get_process_order conf |> List.map ~f:A.table in
+ let expected_order =
+ [ external_table_last; external_table_other; external_table_source ]
+ in
+ assert_equal ~cmp:(cmp_list cmp_source) ~printer:show_sources expected_order
+ order
+let test_columns =
+ "Columns" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expected_colums = Cont.IntSet.of_list [ 1; 2 ] in
+ let columns =
+ A.get_process_order conf
+ |> List.find ~f:(fun v -> A.table v = external_table_source)
+ |> A.columns
+ in
+ assert_equal
+ ~cmp:(fun a b -> 0 = Cont.IntSet.compare a b)
+ ~printer:Cont.show_intSet expected_colums columns
+let test_keys =
+ "Keys" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* We should have one key in the table other, because it is referenced as a
+ source in last file *)
+ let expected_keys =
+ A.
+ [
+ {
+ name = "other";
+ expression = Expression.Path 3;
+ columns = lazy (Cont.IntSet.singleton 3);
+ };
+ ]
+ in
+ let keys =
+ A.get_process_order conf
+ |> List.find ~f:(fun v -> A.table v = external_table_other)
+ |> A.keys
+ in
+ assert_equal ~cmp:(cmp_list key_cmp) ~printer:keys_printer expected_keys keys
+let test_keys_missing =
+ "Keys missing" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* We have no key in last_file because the key is declared as missing *)
+ let expected_keys =
+ A.
+ [
+ {
+ name = "last_file";
+ expression = Expression.Path 3;
+ columns = lazy (Cont.IntSet.singleton 3);
+ };
+ ]
+ in
+ let keys =
+ A.get_process_order conf
+ |> List.find ~f:(fun v -> A.table v = external_table_last)
+ |> A.keys
+ in
+ assert_equal ~cmp:(cmp_list key_cmp) ~printer:keys_printer expected_keys keys
+let test_unknow_source =
+ "Unknown source" >:: fun _ ->
+ let conf = { conf with externals = [] } in
+ assert_raises (ImportErrors.Unknown_source "last_file") (fun () ->
+ A.get_process_order conf)
+let test_unordered =
+ "Unorderd references" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* Externals not described in the right order shall not raise any
+ error. *)
+ let conf =
+ load
+ {|version = 1
+ file = "source.xlsx"
+ name = "source"
+ intern_key = ":other.A"
+ file = "last.xlsx"
+ extern_key = ":C"
+ allow_missing = true
+ intern_key = ":A"
+ file = "other.xlsx"
+ extern_key = ":C"
+ allow_missing = false
+ columns = []|}
+ in
+ assert_raises (ImportErrors.Unknown_source "other") (fun () ->
+ A.get_process_order conf)
+let test_circular =
+ "Unlinked reference" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* A reference to itself should be understood *)
+ let conf =
+ load
+ {|version = 1
+ file = "source.xlsx"
+ name = "source"
+ intern_key = ":circular.A"
+ file = "last.xlsx"
+ extern_key = ":A"
+ allow_missing = true
+ columns = []|}
+ in
+ let elements = A.get_process_order conf in
+ assert_equal ~printer:string_of_int 1 (List.length elements)
+let test_unlinked =
+ "Circular reference" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* An element linked to anything (except itself) should be ignored *)
+ let conf =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = external_table_source;
+ externals =
+ [
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = Some "circular2"; column = 1 };
+ target = { file = "other.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "circular" };
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = true;
+ match_rule = None;
+ };
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = Some "circular"; column = 1 };
+ target = { file = "other2.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "circular2" };
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = true;
+ match_rule = None;
+ };
+ ];
+ columns = [];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+ in
+ assert_raises (ImportErrors.Unknown_source "circular2") (fun () ->
+ A.get_process_order conf |> List.map ~f:A.table)
+let conf_with_unlinked =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = external_table_source;
+ externals =
+ [
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = None; column = 1 };
+ target = { file = "other.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "other" };
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = false;
+ match_rule = None;
+ };
+ ];
+ columns =
+ [
+ Concat [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 }; Literal "_"; Empty ];
+ Path { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ ];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+(** A table referenced only in a filter list shall be loaded correctly *)
+let test_order_filter =
+ "Order filter" >:: fun _ ->
+ let order =
+ {
+ conf_with_unlinked with
+ filters = [ Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 5 } ];
+ }
+ |> A.get_process_order |> List.map ~f:A.table
+ in
+ let expected_order = [ external_table_other; external_table_source ] in
+ assert_equal ~printer:show_sources expected_order order
+(** A table referenced only in the order list shall be loaded correctly *)
+let test_order_sort =
+ "Order sort" >:: fun _ ->
+ let order =
+ {
+ conf_with_unlinked with
+ sort = [ Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 5 } ];
+ }
+ |> A.get_process_order |> List.map ~f:A.table
+ in
+ let expected_order = [ external_table_other; external_table_source ] in
+ assert_equal ~printer:show_sources expected_order order
+(** A table referenced only in the uniq list shall be loaded correctly *)
+let test_order_uniq =
+ "Order uniq" >:: fun _ ->
+ let order =
+ {
+ conf_with_unlinked with
+ uniq = [ Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 5 } ];
+ }
+ |> A.get_process_order |> List.map ~f:A.table
+ in
+ let expected_order = [ external_table_other; external_table_source ] in
+ assert_equal ~printer:show_sources expected_order order
+let tests =
+ "analyser_dependency"
+ >::: [
+ test_order;
+ test_columns;
+ test_keys;
+ test_keys_missing;
+ test_unknow_source;
+ test_unordered;
+ test_circular;
+ test_unlinked;
+ test_order_filter;
+ test_order_sort;
+ test_order_uniq;
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/analyser_query_test.ml b/tests/analyser_query_test.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3559de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/analyser_query_test.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+open OUnit2
+open StdLabels
+module A = ImportAnalyser.Dependency
+module Q = ImportAnalyser.Query
+module C = ImportConf
+module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax
+module Expr = Expression_builder
+let show_source (source : ImportDataTypes.Table.t) =
+ Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" source.ImportDataTypes.Table.file source.tab
+let show_sources sources =
+ let b = Buffer.create 16 in
+ Buffer.add_string b "[";
+ List.iter sources ~f:(fun source ->
+ Buffer.add_string b (show_source source);
+ Buffer.add_string b ",");
+ let len = Buffer.length b in
+ if len > 1 then Buffer.truncate b (len - 1);
+ Buffer.add_string b "]";
+ Buffer.contents b
+(** This is sample configuration used in the tests *)
+let conf =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "source" };
+ externals =
+ [
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = None; column = 1 };
+ target = { file = "other.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "other" };
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = false;
+ match_rule = None;
+ };
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 1 };
+ target = { file = "last.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "last_file" };
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = true;
+ match_rule = None;
+ };
+ ];
+ columns =
+ [
+ Concat [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 }; Literal "_"; Empty ];
+ Path { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ Path { alias = Some "last_file"; column = 5 };
+ ];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+let create_table =
+ "Create table" >:: fun _ ->
+ let out = A.get_process_order conf in
+ let query = Q.create_table (List.hd out) in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id
+ "CREATE TABLE 'last' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,'key_last_file','col_5')" query
+let select =
+ "Select" >:: fun _ ->
+ let query, _ = Q.select conf in
+ let expected_query =
+ {|SELECT COALESCE('source'.col_1,'') || ? || '' AS result_0,
+'source'.col_2 AS result_1,
+'last_file'.col_5 AS result_2
+FROM 'source' AS 'source'
+LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other'
+LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file'|}
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id expected_query query.q
+let check_externals =
+ "Check external" >:: fun _ ->
+ let query = Q.check_external conf (List.hd conf.externals) in
+ let expected_query =
+ "SELECT 'source'.'id', 'source'.col_1 FROM\n\
+ 'source' AS 'source' LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON \
+ rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other' WHERE \
+ 'other'.'key_other' IS NULL AND 'source'.col_1 IS NOT NULL AND \
+ 'source'.col_1 <> ''"
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id expected_query query.q
+let previous =
+ "Test window previous" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* This is sample configuration used in the tests *)
+ let conf =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "previous" };
+ externals = [];
+ columns =
+ [
+ Window
+ ( Previous (Path { alias = None; column = 5 }),
+ [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 } ],
+ [ Path { alias = None; column = 3 } ] );
+ ];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+ in
+ let res, _ = ImportAnalyser.Query.select conf in
+ let query =
+ "SELECT LAG('previous'.col_5) OVER (PARTITION BY 'previous'.col_1 ORDER BY \
+ 'previous'.col_3) AS result_0\n\
+ FROM 'source' AS 'previous'"
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id query res.q
+let sum =
+ "Test window sum" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* This is sample configuration used in the tests *)
+ let conf =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "previous" };
+ externals = [];
+ columns =
+ [
+ Window
+ ( Sum (Path { alias = None; column = 5 }),
+ [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 } ],
+ [] );
+ ];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+ in
+ let res, _ = ImportAnalyser.Query.select conf in
+ let query =
+ "SELECT SUM('previous'.col_5) OVER (PARTITION BY 'previous'.col_1) AS \
+ result_0\n\
+ FROM 'source' AS 'previous'"
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id query res.q
+let sum_total =
+ "Test sum over the whole range" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* This is sample configuration used in the tests *)
+ let conf =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "previous" };
+ externals = [];
+ columns = [ Window (Sum (Path { alias = None; column = 5 }), [], []) ];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+ in
+ let res, _ = ImportAnalyser.Query.select conf in
+ let query =
+ "SELECT SUM('previous'.col_5) AS result_0\nFROM 'source' AS 'previous'"
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id query res.q
+let sum_unfiltered =
+ "Test sum over the whole range" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* This is sample configuration used in the tests *)
+ let conf =
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ version = 1;
+ source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "previous" };
+ externals = [];
+ columns =
+ [
+ Window
+ ( Sum (Path { alias = None; column = 5 }),
+ [],
+ [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 } ] );
+ ];
+ filters = [];
+ sort = [];
+ uniq = [];
+ }
+ in
+ let res, _ = ImportAnalyser.Query.select conf in
+ let query =
+ "SELECT SUM('previous'.col_5) AS result_0\nFROM 'source' AS 'previous'"
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id query res.q
+let prepare_insert =
+ "Test prepare_insert" >:: fun _ ->
+ let key =
+ ImportAnalyser.Dependency.
+ {
+ name = "key_test";
+ expression = Concat [ Path 1; Literal "_"; Empty ];
+ columns = lazy (ImportContainers.IntSet.singleton 1);
+ }
+ in
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
+ let () = ImportAnalyser.Query.build_key_insert buffer key in
+ let contents = Buffer.contents buffer in
+ let expected = "rtrim(upper(COALESCE(:col_1,'') || '_' || ''))" in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id expected contents
+(** Test a request with a group in a filter.
+This generate a CTE expression in order to evaluate the group before loading
+the results from the query. *)
+let filter_group =
+ "Test filter_group" >:: fun _ ->
+ let c col = Expr.path ImportDataTypes.Path.{ alias = None; column = col } in
+ let conf =
+ {
+ conf with
+ columns = [ c 1 ];
+ filters = [ Expr.(max (c 3) [ c 1 ] [ c 1 ]) ];
+ }
+ in
+ let contents, _ = ImportAnalyser.Query.select conf in
+ let expected =
+FROM 'source' AS 'source'
+LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other'
+LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file')
+SELECT 'source'.col_1 AS result_0
+FROM 'source' AS 'source'
+LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other'
+LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file'
+INNER JOIN 'cte' ON cte.id = source.id
+WHERE (cte.group0)|}
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer:(fun s -> Printf.sprintf "\n%s" s) expected contents.q
+(** Test a request with a group in a filter.
+This generate a CTE expression in order to evaluate the group before loading
+the results from the query. *)
+let filter_group2 =
+ "Test filter_group" >:: fun _ ->
+ let c col = Expr.path ImportDataTypes.Path.{ alias = None; column = col } in
+ let conf =
+ {
+ conf with
+ columns = [ c 1 ];
+ filters =
+ [ Expr.(max (c 3) [ c 1 ] [ c 1 ]); Expr.equal (c 3) Expr.integer_zero ];
+ }
+ in
+ let contents, _ = ImportAnalyser.Query.select conf in
+ let expected =
+FROM 'source' AS 'source'
+LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other'
+LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file'
+WHERE COALESCE('source'.col_3,0)=0)
+SELECT 'source'.col_1 AS result_0
+FROM 'source' AS 'source'
+LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other'
+LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file'
+INNER JOIN 'cte' ON cte.id = source.id
+WHERE COALESCE('source'.col_3,0)=0
+AND (cte.group0)|}
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer:(fun s -> Printf.sprintf "\n%s" s) expected contents.q
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ create_table;
+ select;
+ check_externals;
+ previous;
+ sum;
+ sum_total;
+ sum_unfiltered;
+ prepare_insert;
+ filter_group;
+ filter_group2;
+ ]
+let tests = "analyser_query_test" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/confLoader.ml b/tests/confLoader.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..266ff33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/confLoader.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+open StdLabels
+(** Read the configuration in toml and return the internal representation *)
+let load : string -> ImportConf.Syntax.t =
+ fun content ->
+ Otoml.Parser.from_string content |> ImportConf.t_of_toml |> Result.get_ok
+let conf =
+ load
+ {|version = 1
+ file = "source.xlsx"
+ name = "source"
+ intern_key = ":A"
+ file = "other.xlsx"
+ extern_key = ":C"
+ allow_missing = false
+ intern_key = ":other.A"
+ file = "last.xlsx"
+ extern_key = ":C"
+ allow_missing = true
+ columns = [
+ ":A ^ '_'",
+ ":B",
+ ":last_file.E",
+ ]|}
+let external_table_source =
+ ImportDataTypes.Table.{ file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "source" }
+let external_table_other =
+ ImportDataTypes.Table.{ file = "other.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "other" }
+let external_other =
+ ImportConf.Syntax.
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = None; column = 1 };
+ target = external_table_other;
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = false;
+ match_rule = None;
+ }
+let external_table_last =
+ ImportDataTypes.Table.{ file = "last.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "last_file" }
+let external_last =
+ ImportConf.Syntax.
+ {
+ intern_key = Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 1 };
+ target = external_table_last;
+ extern_key = Path 3;
+ allow_missing = true;
+ match_rule = None;
+ }
+let show_source (source : ImportDataTypes.Table.t) =
+ Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" source.ImportDataTypes.Table.file
+ source.ImportDataTypes.Table.tab
+ * Compare two external sources
+ *)
+let show_sources sources =
+ let b = Buffer.create 16 in
+ Buffer.add_string b "[";
+ List.iter sources ~f:(fun source ->
+ Buffer.add_string b (show_source source);
+ Buffer.add_string b ",");
+ let len = Buffer.length b in
+ if len > 1 then Buffer.truncate b (len - 1);
+ Buffer.add_string b "]";
+ Buffer.contents b
+and cmp_source : ImportDataTypes.Table.t -> ImportDataTypes.Table.t -> bool =
+ fun s1 s2 ->
+ String.equal s1.ImportDataTypes.Table.name s2.ImportDataTypes.Table.name
+ && String.equal s1.ImportDataTypes.Table.file s2.ImportDataTypes.Table.file
+ && s1.ImportDataTypes.Table.tab = s2.ImportDataTypes.Table.tab
+let cmp_list : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> bool =
+ fun cmp elems1 elems2 -> List.for_all2 ~f:cmp elems1 elems2
+ * Compare keys in the dependencies
+ *)
+let key_printer : ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key -> string =
+ fun { name; expression; _ } ->
+ let path_name =
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
+ ImportExpression.Headers.headers_of_expression buffer
+ (fun col buffer ->
+ Buffer.add_string buffer (ImportCSV.Csv.column_to_string col))
+ expression;
+ Buffer.contents buffer
+ in
+ Printf.sprintf "%s, %s" name path_name
+and key_cmp a b =
+ 0
+ = ImportExpression.T.cmp
+ (fun a b -> a - b)
+ a.ImportAnalyser.Dependency.expression
+ b.ImportAnalyser.Dependency.expression
+let keys_printer : ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key list -> string =
+ fun contents ->
+ let b = Buffer.create 16 in
+ List.iter contents ~f:(fun v -> Buffer.add_string b (key_printer v));
+ Buffer.contents b
+ * Represents externals
+ *)
+let pp_externals : ImportConf.Syntax.extern list -> string =
+ fun ext -> ImportConf.Syntax.toml_of_externs ext |> Otoml.Printer.to_string
diff --git a/tests/configuration/example_csv.toml b/tests/configuration/example_csv.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24cee9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/configuration/example_csv.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+version = 1
+ file = "importer.csv"
+ name = "source"
+ intern_key = ":source.A"
+ extern_key = ":A"
+ file = "financial.xlsx"
+ allow_missing = false
+ intern_key = ":target.A"
+ extern_key = ":O"
+ file = "financial.xlsx"
+ allow_missing = false
+ columns = [":A",
+ "concat(\"-\", :A, :target.E, :B)",
+ ":C",
+ "counter([:C],[:A])",
+ ":E",
+ "match(\"\\(..\\)\", :B)",
+ ":D",
+ "counter([:D],[:A])"
+ ]
+ filters = []
+ sort = []
+ uniq = []
diff --git a/tests/configuration/simple.toml b/tests/configuration/simple.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d41383a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/configuration/simple.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+version = 1
+name = "source_name"
+file = "source_file"
+tab = 1
+extern_key = "\"_B\""
+# Here, the values A & B are considered as column, and not litteral
+intern_key = "function(:A, :B)"
+allow_missing = true
+file = ""
+tab = 1
+columns = [
+ "function(:target.A, :B, 'free\\' text')",
+ "counter([:target.A],[:target.A])"
diff --git a/tests/configuration_expression.ml b/tests/configuration_expression.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5c4755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/configuration_expression.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+open StdLabels
+open OUnit2
+module Expression = ImportExpression.T
+module Path = ImportDataTypes.Path
+open Path
+let printer = function
+ | Ok e -> ImportExpression.Repr.repr ImportConf.Path.repr e
+ | Error msg -> msg
+let parse_dquoted =
+ "parse_dquoted" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "match(\"\\(..\\)\", :B)" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (Function
+ ("match", [ Literal "\\(..\\)"; Path { alias = None; column = 2 } ])))
+ result
+let parse_quoted =
+ "parse_quoted" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "match('\\(..\\)', :B)" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (Function
+ ("match", [ Literal "\\(..\\)"; Path { alias = None; column = 2 } ])))
+ result
+let concat =
+ "concat" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = ":A ^ :B" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (Concat
+ [
+ Path { alias = None; column = 1 }; Path { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ ]))
+ result
+let concat2 =
+ "concat2" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "'A' ^ '_' ^ 'B'" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok (Concat [ Literal "A"; Literal "_"; Literal "B" ]))
+ result
+let litteral =
+ "litteral" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* The text is quoted in shall not be considered as a path *)
+ let expr = "':A'" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok (Literal ":A")) result
+let empty =
+ "empty" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok Empty) result
+let upper_nvl =
+ "upper_nvl" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "NVL('','')" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok (Nvl [ Empty; Empty ])) result
+let lower_nvl =
+ "lower_nvl" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "nvl('','')" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok (Nvl [ Empty; Empty ])) result
+let numeric =
+ "numeric" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "123" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok (Integer "123")) result
+let numeric_neg =
+ "numeric_neg" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "-123" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok (Integer "-123")) result
+let op_priority =
+ "operator_priority" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "1 + 2 > 2" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr
+ and expected =
+ ImportExpression.T.(
+ BOperator (GT, BOperator (Add, Integer "1", Integer "2"), Integer "2"))
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok expected) result
+let op_priority2 =
+ "operator_priority" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "1 ^ 2 = 2" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr
+ and expected =
+ ImportExpression.T.(
+ BOperator (Equal, Concat [ Integer "1"; Integer "2" ], Integer "2"))
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok expected) result
+let join =
+ "join" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "join('sep', :A, :B)" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (Join
+ ( "sep",
+ [
+ Path { alias = None; column = 1 };
+ Path { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ ] )))
+ result
+let join_empty =
+ "join" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "join('', :A, :B)" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (Join
+ ( "",
+ [
+ Path { alias = None; column = 1 };
+ Path { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ ] )))
+ result
+let upper =
+ "upper" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "upper('')" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok (Function' (Upper, [ Empty ]))) result
+let trim =
+ "trim" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "trim('')" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Ok (Function' (Trim, [ Empty ]))) result
+(** Extract the columns from a window function *)
+let fold_values =
+ "fold_values" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* The expression we want to test *)
+ let expr =
+ Expression.Window
+ ( Previous (Path { alias = None; column = 1 }),
+ [ Path { alias = None; column = 2 } ],
+ [ Path { alias = None; column = 3 } ] )
+ in
+ (* Extract the columns from the expression. The result is sorted because
+ the order is not preserved during the extraction. *)
+ let result =
+ Expression.fold_values ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc v -> v :: acc) expr
+ |> List.sort ~cmp:Path.compare
+ in
+ let expected =
+ [
+ { alias = None; column = 1 };
+ { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ { alias = None; column = 3 };
+ ]
+ in
+ assert_equal expected result
+let bad_quote =
+ "bad_quote" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "':source.A" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer (Error "Unclosed quote at line 1 : \"':source.A\"")
+ result
+let nested_expression =
+ "nested_expression" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "1 = (1 = 0)" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (BOperator
+ ( Equal,
+ Integer "1",
+ Expr (BOperator (Equal, Integer "1", Integer "0")) )))
+ result
+let priority_equality =
+ "priority_equality" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "1 = 1 = 0" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (BOperator
+ (Equal, Integer "1", BOperator (Equal, Integer "1", Integer "0"))))
+ result
+let priority_operator_and =
+ "priority_equality" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "1 and 1 = 0" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (BOperator (And, Integer "1", BOperator (Equal, Integer "1", Integer "0"))))
+ result
+let priority_operator_or =
+ "priority_equality" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = "1 <> 1 or 0" in
+ let result = ImportConf.expression_from_string expr in
+ assert_equal ~printer
+ (Ok
+ (BOperator
+ (Or, BOperator (Different, Integer "1", Integer "1"), Integer "0")))
+ result
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ parse_dquoted;
+ parse_quoted;
+ concat;
+ concat2;
+ litteral;
+ empty;
+ upper_nvl;
+ lower_nvl;
+ numeric;
+ numeric_neg;
+ op_priority;
+ op_priority2;
+ join;
+ upper;
+ trim;
+ join_empty;
+ fold_values;
+ bad_quote;
+ nested_expression;
+ priority_equality;
+ priority_operator_and;
+ priority_operator_or;
+ ]
+let tests = "configuration_expression" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/configuration_toml.ml b/tests/configuration_toml.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c8bfc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/configuration_toml.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+open OUnit2
+module Expression = ImportExpression.T
+module Path = ImportDataTypes.Path
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ ( "parse_extern" >:: fun _ ->
+ let toml = Otoml.Parser.from_file "configuration/simple.toml" in
+ let toml = ImportConf.t_of_toml toml in
+ match toml with
+ | Error s -> raise (Failure s)
+ | Ok result ->
+ let open ImportConf.Syntax in
+ let expected =
+ {
+ target = { file = ""; tab = 1; name = "target" };
+ extern_key = Literal "_B";
+ intern_key =
+ Function
+ ( "function",
+ [
+ Path { alias = None; column = 1 };
+ Path { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ ] );
+ match_rule = None;
+ allow_missing = true;
+ }
+ in
+ let printer s =
+ String.concat "," (List.map ImportConf.print_extern s)
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer [ expected ] result.externals );
+ ( "parse_columns" >:: fun _ ->
+ let toml = Otoml.Parser.from_file "configuration/simple.toml" in
+ let toml = ImportConf.t_of_toml toml in
+ match toml with
+ | Error s -> raise (Failure s)
+ | Ok result ->
+ let open Path in
+ let open Expression in
+ let expected =
+ [
+ Function
+ ( "function",
+ [
+ Path { alias = Some "target"; column = 1 };
+ Path { alias = None; column = 2 };
+ Literal "free' text";
+ ] );
+ Window
+ ( Counter,
+ [ Path { alias = Some "target"; column = 1 } ],
+ [ Path { alias = Some "target"; column = 1 } ] );
+ ]
+ in
+ List.iter2
+ (fun expected result ->
+ assert_equal ~printer:ImportConf.print_path_expression expected
+ result)
+ expected result.columns );
+ ( "parse_csv" >:: fun _ ->
+ let toml = Otoml.Parser.from_file "configuration/example_csv.toml" in
+ let toml = ImportConf.t_of_toml toml in
+ ignore toml );
+ ]
+let tests = "configuration_toml" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/dune b/tests/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c777aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ (name importer_test)
+ (deps (source_tree configuration))
+ (libraries
+ ounit2
+ otoml
+ ppx_deriving.runtime
+ sqlite3
+ importConf
+ importAnalyser
+ importContainers
+ importCSV
+ importDataTypes
+ importErrors
+ importExpression
+ importSQL
diff --git a/tests/expression_builder.ml b/tests/expression_builder.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd9a17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expression_builder.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+module T = ImportExpression.T
+let empty : 'a T.t = T.Empty
+let path : 'a -> 'a T.t = fun v -> T.Path v
+let literal_test : 'a T.t = T.Literal "test"
+let literal_quoted : 'a T.t = T.Literal "'"
+let literal_zero : 'a T.t = T.Literal "0"
+let integer_zero : 'a T.t = T.Integer "0"
+let integer_one : 'a T.t = T.Integer "1"
+let concat : 'a T.t = T.Concat [ T.Empty; T.Literal "test" ]
+let expr : 'a T.t = T.Function ("expr", [ literal_test; T.Literal "NOT NULL" ])
+let equal : 'a T.t -> 'a T.t -> 'a T.t =
+ fun e1 e2 -> T.BOperator (T.Equal, e1, e2)
+let different : 'a T.t -> 'a T.t -> 'a T.t =
+ fun e1 e2 -> T.BOperator (T.Different, e1, e2)
+let divide : 'a T.t -> 'a T.t -> 'a T.t =
+ fun e1 e2 -> T.BOperator (T.Division, e1, e2)
+let nvl : 'a T.t -> 'a T.t -> 'a T.t = fun e1 e2 -> T.Nvl [ e1; e2 ]
+let if_ : 'a T.t -> 'a T.t -> 'a T.t -> 'a T.t =
+ fun pred e1 e2 -> T.Function ("if", [ pred; e1; e2 ])
+let in_ : 'a T.t -> 'a T.t list -> 'a T.t =
+ fun e1 group -> T.GEquality (T.Equal, e1, group)
+let not_in : 'a T.t -> 'a T.t list -> 'a T.t =
+ fun e1 group -> T.GEquality (T.Different, e1, group)
+let max : 'a T.t -> 'a T.t list -> 'a T.t list -> 'a T.t =
+ fun e group order -> T.Window (T.Max e, group, order)
+let counter : 'a T.t list -> 'a T.t list -> 'a T.t =
+ fun group order -> T.Window (T.Counter, group, order)
+let function' : T.funct -> 'a T.t list -> 'a T.t =
+ fun name param -> T.Function' (name, param)
+module Make (Sym : ImportExpression.Sym.SYM_EXPR) = struct
+ module M = ImportExpression.Sym.M (Sym)
+ let eval : 'a T.t -> path_repr:'b Sym.path_repr -> 'a Sym.repr =
+ fun v ~path_repr -> M.eval ~path_repr v
diff --git a/tests/expression_query.ml b/tests/expression_query.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d260a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expression_query.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+open OUnit2
+module T = ImportExpression.T
+module Expr = Expression_builder
+module M = Expr.Make (ImportExpression.Query.Query)
+let eval =
+ M.eval ~path_repr:(fun formatter n -> Format.fprintf formatter "%s" n)
+let printer = Fun.id
+let test_expr ?(nested = ImportExpression.Query.QueryParameter.Literal) expr =
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
+ let formatter = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in
+ let () = ImportExpression.Query.Query.observe expr formatter ~nested in
+ Format.pp_print_flush formatter ();
+ Buffer.contents buffer
+let empty =
+ "empty" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval Expr.empty in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "''" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let litteral =
+ "literal" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval Expr.literal_test in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "'test'" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let litteral_quoted =
+ "literal_quoted" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval Expr.literal_quoted in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "'\''" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let litteral_raw =
+ "literal_raw" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval Expr.literal_test in
+ let nested = ImportExpression.Query.QueryParameter.(Raw Literal) in
+ let content = test_expr expr ~nested and expected = "test" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let path =
+ "path" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* In the path, the given function do all the job *)
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.path "test" in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "test" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let concat =
+ "concat" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval Expr.concat in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "'' || 'test'" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let nvl =
+ "nvl" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.nvl Expr.empty Expr.literal_test in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "COALESCE('', 'test')" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let upper =
+ "upper" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.function' T.Upper [ Expr.literal_test ] in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "UPPER('test')" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let join =
+ "join" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr =
+ ImportExpression.Query.Query.(
+ join "," [ eval Expr.empty; eval Expr.literal_test ])
+ in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "CONCAT(',', '', 'test')" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let boperator_eq =
+ "boperator_eq" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.equal Expr.empty Expr.literal_test in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "''='test'" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let boperator_div =
+ "boperator_div" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.divide Expr.integer_one Expr.integer_zero in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "CAST(1 AS REAL)/0" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let boperator_neq =
+ "boperator_neq" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.different Expr.empty Expr.literal_test in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "''<>'test'" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let expr =
+ "expr" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval Expr.expr in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "(test NOT NULL)" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let unify_int =
+ "unify_int" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.equal (Expr.path "external") Expr.integer_zero in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "COALESCE(external,0)=0" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let unify_string =
+ "unify_string" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.equal (Expr.path "external") Expr.literal_zero in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "COALESCE(external,'')='0'" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let in_string =
+ "in_string" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.in_ (Expr.path "external") [ Expr.literal_zero ] in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "COALESCE(external,'') IN('0')" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let not_in_string =
+ "in_string" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.not_in (Expr.path "external") [ Expr.literal_zero ] in
+ let content = test_expr expr
+ and expected = "COALESCE(external,'') NOT IN('0')" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+(* Evaluate the max function *)
+let max =
+ "max" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr =
+ eval @@ Expr.(max (path ":C") [ path ":A" ] [ path ":A"; path ":B" ])
+ in
+ let content = test_expr expr
+ and expected =
+ in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let in_int =
+ "in_int" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr =
+ eval
+ @@ Expr.in_ (Expr.path "external") [ Expr.integer_zero; Expr.integer_one ]
+ in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = "COALESCE(external,0) IN(0, 1)" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let counter_no_order =
+ "counter_no_order" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.(counter [ path ":A" ] []) in
+ let content = test_expr expr
+ and expected = "COUNT() OVER (PARTITION BY :A)" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let counter_order =
+ "counter_no_order" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.(counter [ path ":A" ] [ path ":B" ]) in
+ let content = test_expr expr
+ and expected = "ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY :A ORDER BY :B)" in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ empty;
+ litteral;
+ litteral_quoted;
+ litteral_raw;
+ path;
+ concat;
+ nvl;
+ upper;
+ join;
+ boperator_eq;
+ boperator_neq;
+ boperator_div;
+ expr;
+ unify_int;
+ unify_string;
+ in_string;
+ not_in_string;
+ in_int;
+ max;
+ counter_no_order;
+ counter_order;
+ ]
+let tests = "expression_query" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/expression_repr.ml b/tests/expression_repr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ad321a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expression_repr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+open OUnit2
+module Expression = ImportExpression.T
+module Path = ImportDataTypes.Path
+module Expr = Expression_builder
+module M = Expr.Make (ImportExpression.Repr.E)
+let eval = M.eval ~path_repr:ImportCSV.Csv.column_to_string
+let test_expr expr = ImportExpression.Repr.E.observe ~top:true expr
+let printer = function
+ | Ok e -> ImportConf.print_path_expression e
+ | Error msg -> msg
+let print_literal =
+ "print_litteral" >:: fun _ ->
+ let result = test_expr @@ eval (Literal "Content") in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id "'Content'" result
+let print_quoted_literal =
+ "print_quoted_literal" >:: fun _ ->
+ let result = test_expr @@ eval Expression_builder.literal_quoted in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id "'\\''" result
+let print_dquoted_literal =
+ "print_dquoted_literal" >:: fun _ ->
+ let result = test_expr @@ eval (Literal "\"") in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id "'\"'" result
+let print_numeric =
+ "print_numeric" >:: fun _ ->
+ let result = test_expr @@ eval (Literal "123") in
+ assert_equal ~printer:Fun.id "123" result
+let test_suit =
+ [ print_literal; print_quoted_literal; print_dquoted_literal; print_numeric ]
+let tests = "expression_repr" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/expression_type_of.ml b/tests/expression_type_of.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..706b3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expression_type_of.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+open OUnit2
+module T = ImportExpression.T
+module Types = ImportDataTypes.Types
+module Expr = Expression_builder
+module M = Expr.Make (ImportExpression.Type_of)
+let eval = M.eval ~path_repr:(fun _ -> ())
+let printer = Types.string_of_t
+let test_expr expr = ImportExpression.Type_of.observe expr
+let empty =
+ "empty" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval Expr.empty in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = Types.None in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+(** Control an if statement with a predicate which is not a boolean *)
+let invalid_if =
+ "invalid_if" >:: fun _ ->
+ (* The expression we want to test *)
+ let raw_expr =
+ Expr.if_ Expr.literal_test Expr.integer_zero Expr.integer_one
+ in
+ let exn =
+ ImportErrors.TypeError
+ {
+ expected = Types.Bool;
+ actual = Types.String;
+ expression = ImportExpression.Repr.repr Fun.id raw_expr;
+ subset = "the predicate";
+ }
+ in
+ assert_raises exn (fun () ->
+ let expr = eval raw_expr in
+ test_expr expr)
+(** The application should infer that the expression is a string *)
+let valid_if =
+ "valid_if" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr =
+ eval
+ @@ Expr.if_
+ (Expr.equal Expr.integer_one Expr.integer_zero)
+ Expr.literal_test Expr.literal_test
+ in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = Types.String in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let upper =
+ "upper" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.function' T.Upper [Expr.literal_test] in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = Types.String in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let in_int =
+ "in_int" >:: fun _ ->
+ let expr = eval @@ Expr.in_ (Expr.path "external") [ Expr.integer_one ] in
+ let content = test_expr expr and expected = Types.Bool in
+ assert_equal ~printer expected content
+let tests = "expression_type_of" >::: [ empty; invalid_if; valid_if; in_int ;
+upper ]
diff --git a/tests/importCSV_test.ml b/tests/importCSV_test.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc21992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/importCSV_test.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+open OUnit2
+open ImportCSV
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ ( "Column A" >:: fun _ ->
+ assert_equal
+ ~printer:(fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%d (%s)" i (Csv.column_to_string i))
+ 1 (Csv.column_of_string "A") );
+ ( "Column a" >:: fun _ ->
+ assert_equal
+ ~printer:(fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%d (%s)" i (Csv.column_to_string i))
+ 1 (Csv.column_of_string "a") );
+ ( "Column name" >:: fun _ ->
+ let () =
+ for i = 1 to 1_000 do
+ let column_name = Csv.column_to_string i in
+ let column_index = Csv.column_of_string column_name in
+ assert_equal
+ ~printer:(fun i ->
+ Printf.sprintf "%d (%s)" i (Csv.column_to_string i))
+ i column_index
+ done
+ in
+ () );
+ ]
+let tests = "importCSV_test" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/importConf_test.ml b/tests/importConf_test.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c94eb91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/importConf_test.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+open OUnit2
+open ConfLoader
+(** Test the dependencies extracted from the external named "source".
+ Refer to the default configuration used in [ConfLoader] to see the
+ configuration.
+ *)
+let test_get_dependencies_for_source =
+ "get_dependancies_for_table" >:: fun _ ->
+ let result = ImportConf.get_dependancies_for_table conf conf.source
+ and expected = [ external_other ] in
+ assert_equal ~printer:pp_externals expected result
+let test_get_dependencies_for_other =
+ "get_dependancies_for_table" >:: fun _ ->
+ let result = ImportConf.get_dependancies_for_table conf external_table_other
+ and expected = [ external_last ] in
+ assert_equal ~printer:pp_externals expected result
+let tests =
+ "importConf_test"
+ >::: [ test_get_dependencies_for_source; test_get_dependencies_for_other ]
diff --git a/tests/importer_test.ml b/tests/importer_test.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16ea663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/importer_test.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+open OUnit2
+let _ =
+ run_test_tt_main
+ ("importer_tests"
+ >::: [
+ ImportCSV_test.tests;
+ Sql_date.tests;
+ Sql_match.tests;
+ Sql_int.tests;
+ Sql_trim.tests;
+ ImportConf_test.tests;
+ Configuration_toml.tests;
+ Configuration_expression.tests;
+ Expression_repr.tests;
+ Expression_type_of.tests;
+ Expression_query.tests;
+ Analyser_dependency.tests;
+ Analyser_query_test.tests;
+ Sql_db.tests;
+ ])
diff --git a/tests/sql_date.ml b/tests/sql_date.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4becdf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sql_date.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+open OUnit2
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ ( "Parse date" >:: fun _ ->
+ let text_date = Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "2002-04-08 15:59:41.000"
+ and format_date = Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000" in
+ assert_equal (Sqlite3.Data.INT 37354L)
+ (ImportSQL.Date.f format_date text_date) );
+ ( "Parse date as int" >:: fun _ ->
+ let int_date = Sqlite3.Data.INT 37354L
+ and format_date = Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000" in
+ assert_equal int_date (ImportSQL.Date.f format_date int_date) );
+ ]
+let tests = "sql_date" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/sql_db.ml b/tests/sql_db.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c966f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sql_db.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+(** Test the behavior of the sqlite with a in-memory database *)
+open OUnit2
+open StdLabels
+let ( let* ) res cont =
+ match res with
+ | Ok value -> cont value
+ | Error e -> raise e
+(** Test a process with a simple configuration in-memory *)
+let run_test ~configuration ~input ~expected name =
+ name >:: fun _ ->
+ (* We expect a valid configuration *)
+ let conf =
+ ImportConf.t_of_toml (Otoml.Parser.from_string configuration)
+ |> Result.get_ok
+ in
+ let exec db =
+ let table = List.hd @@ ImportAnalyser.Dependency.get_process_order conf in
+ let* () = ImportSQL.Db.create_table db table in
+ (* Prepare the statement in order to import data *)
+ let* stmt = ImportSQL.Db.prepare_insert db table in
+ (* Inject some data into the table *)
+ let result, _ =
+ List.fold_left ~init:(Ok (), 0) input ~f:(fun (_, i) data ->
+ let result =
+ let* () = ImportSQL.Db.insert ~id:i db stmt data in
+ let* () = ImportSQL.Db.reset stmt in
+ Ok ()
+ in
+ (result, i + 1))
+ in
+ let* () = result in
+ let* () = ImportSQL.Db.finalize stmt in
+ let expected = ref expected in
+ (* Collect the data *)
+ let* () =
+ ImportSQL.Db.query db conf ~f:(fun rows ->
+ match !expected with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | hd :: tl ->
+ expected := tl;
+ let () =
+ Array.iter2 rows hd ~f:(fun (_, value) expected ->
+ assert_equal ~printer:ImportCSV.DataType.to_string value
+ expected)
+ in
+ ())
+ in
+ Ok ()
+ in
+ (* Use a magic keyword for in-memory database *)
+ ignore @@ ImportSQL.Db.with_db ":memory:" exec
+(** Simple test used to check the process *)
+let simple_extraction =
+ run_test "simple_extraction"
+ ~configuration:
+ {|version = 1
+name = "source_name"
+file = "source_file"
+columns = [
+ ":A ^ '_'",
+ ":B",
+ ":E"]|}
+ ~input:
+ [
+ [
+ (0, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 123);
+ (1, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 2);
+ (4, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 5);
+ ];
+ ]
+ ~expected:
+ [
+ [|
+ ImportCSV.DataType.Content "123_";
+ ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 2;
+ ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 5;
+ |];
+ ]
+(** Ensure the behavior of the sum function when a filter is given. It is
+ expected to accumulate the values over each line *)
+let sum_sort =
+ run_test "sum_sort"
+ ~configuration:
+ {|version = 1
+name = "source_name"
+file = "source_file"
+columns = [
+ ":A",
+ "sum(:C, [:B], [:A])",
+ ~input:
+ [
+ [
+ (0, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 1);
+ (1, ImportCSV.DataType.Content "A");
+ (2, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 100);
+ ];
+ [
+ (0, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 2);
+ (1, ImportCSV.DataType.Content "A");
+ (2, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 100);
+ ];
+ [
+ (0, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 3);
+ (1, ImportCSV.DataType.Content "A");
+ (2, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 100);
+ ];
+ ]
+ ~expected:
+ [
+ [| ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 1; ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 100 |];
+ [| ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 2; ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 200 |];
+ [| ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 3; ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 300 |];
+ ]
+let sum_total =
+ run_test "sum_total"
+ ~configuration:
+ {|version = 1
+name = "source_name"
+file = "source_file"
+columns = [
+ ":A",
+ "sum(:C, [], [])",
+ ~input:
+ [
+ [
+ (0, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 1); (2, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 100);
+ ];
+ [
+ (0, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 2); (2, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 100);
+ ];
+ ]
+ ~expected:
+ [
+ [| ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 1; ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 200 |];
+ [| ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 2; ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 200 |];
+ ]
+(** Ensure the behavior of the sum function when no filter is given. It is
+ expected to get the total sum for each line *)
+let sum_unfiltered =
+ run_test "sum_unfiltered"
+ ~configuration:
+ {|version = 1
+name = "source_name"
+file = "source_file"
+columns = [
+ ":A",
+ "sum(:C, [], [:A])",
+ ~input:
+ [
+ [
+ (0, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 1); (2, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 100);
+ ];
+ [
+ (0, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 2); (2, ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 100);
+ ];
+ ]
+ ~expected:
+ [
+ [| ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 1; ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 200 |];
+ [| ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 2; ImportCSV.DataType.Integer 200 |];
+ ]
+let test_suit = [ simple_extraction; sum_sort; sum_total; sum_unfiltered ]
+let tests = "sql_db" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/sql_int.ml b/tests/sql_int.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b1086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sql_int.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+open OUnit2
+let printer = function
+ | Sqlite3.Data.INT t -> Int64.to_string t
+ | Sqlite3.Data.NONE -> "None"
+ | Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> "Null"
+ | Sqlite3.Data.FLOAT f -> Float.to_string f
+ | Sqlite3.Data.TEXT t | Sqlite3.Data.BLOB t -> t
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ ( "Int_of_int" >:: fun _ ->
+ assert_equal (Sqlite3.Data.INT 37354L)
+ (ImportSQL.Math.int (Sqlite3.Data.INT 37354L)) );
+ ( "Int_of_string" >:: fun _ ->
+ assert_equal (Sqlite3.Data.INT 37354L)
+ (ImportSQL.Math.int (Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "37354")) );
+ ( "Int_of_string2" >:: fun _ ->
+ assert_equal ~printer (Sqlite3.Data.INT 37354L)
+ (ImportSQL.Math.int (Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "37354.0")) );
+ ( "Int_of_float" >:: fun _ ->
+ assert_equal (Sqlite3.Data.INT 37354L)
+ (ImportSQL.Math.int (Sqlite3.Data.FLOAT 37354.0)) );
+ ]
+let tests = "sql_int" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/sql_match.ml b/tests/sql_match.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0314bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sql_match.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+open OUnit2
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ ( "Parse regex" >:: fun _ ->
+ let text = Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "hello world"
+ and regex = Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "hello ([A-Za-z]+)" in
+ assert_equal (Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "world") (ImportSQL.Match.f regex text) );
+ ]
+let tests = "sql_match" >::: test_suit
diff --git a/tests/sql_trim.ml b/tests/sql_trim.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e755e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sql_trim.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+open OUnit2
+let test_suit =
+ [
+ ( "Trim" >:: fun _ ->
+ let text = Sqlite3.Data.TEXT " \nABC \n" in
+ assert_equal (Sqlite3.Data.TEXT "ABC") (ImportSQL.Trim.f text) );
+ ]
+let tests = "sql_trim" >::: test_suit