module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax val create_table : Dependency.t -> string type query = { q : string; (** The query to execute *) parameters : ImportCSV.DataType.t Seq.t; } (** This type represent a query to execute. [q] is the template to run, and shall be run with all the binded parameters. *) val select : Syntax.t -> query * ImportDataTypes.Path.t ImportExpression.T.t array val check_external : Syntax.t -> Syntax.extern -> query (** Create a query which select all the missing key in an external *) val build_key_insert : Buffer.t -> Dependency.key -> unit (* Build the fragment insert query. This use prepare statement and apply the function at the insert time, in order to have the key already in the expected format in the database. The column are name :col_XX where XX is the index of the column in the datasheet (starting from 1) *)