module CSV = ImportCSV exception SqlError of Sqlite3.Rc.t exception MisplacedWindow exception Unknown_source of string (** Exception raised when a source used in a path is not declared as an external *) exception Cycle of string list (** Cycle between the dpendencies *) exception Unknown_extension of string exception JsonError of { json : string; element : string; } type xlsError = { source : ImportDataTypes.Table.t; row : int; sheet : int; target : ImportDataTypes.Table.t option; value : CSV.DataType.t; exn : exn; } exception TypeError of { expected : ImportDataTypes.Types.t; actual : ImportDataTypes.Types.t; expression : string; subset : string; } exception InvalidEncoding of string exception NullKey of int val repr_error : exn -> string type t = Csv.out_channel Lazy.t val output_error : t -> xlsError -> unit val log : with_bom:bool -> string -> string -> t