module QueryParameter : sig (** Internaly, we need to keep a different type for the Literal chunks (which requires to be quoted), and raw (which should be given as is to the sql engine) The Raw can be generated from both BindParam or NoParam queries. *) type t = | Literal | Queue of ImportCSV.DataType.t Queue.t | Raw of t end type _ binded_query = | BindParam : ImportCSV.DataType.t Queue.t binded_query | NoParam : unit binded_query val query_of_expression : 'b binded_query -> Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a T.t -> 'b module Query : Sym.SYM_EXPR with type 'a obs = Format.formatter -> nested:QueryParameter.t -> unit and type 'a path_repr = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit