open StdLabels let escape_dquote = Re.Str.regexp "'" let escape content = Re.Str.global_replace escape_dquote "\\'" content module E : Sym.SYM_CHUNK with type 'a obs = top:bool -> string and type 'a path_repr = 'a -> string = struct type 'a repr = top:bool -> string type 'a obs = top:bool -> string type 'a path_repr = 'a -> string let observe x = x let group : 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun args ~top -> let args_repr = ~f:(fun v -> v ~top) args in let args = String.concat ~sep:", " args_repr in "[" ^ args ^ "]" let arguments : 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun args ~top -> let args_repr = ~f:(fun v -> v ~top) args in let args = String.concat ~sep:", " args_repr in "(" ^ args ^ ")" let empty : unit -> 'a repr = fun () ~top -> match top with | false -> "''" | true -> "" let literal : string -> 'a repr = fun l ~top -> if String.equal String.empty l then (empty ()) ~top else match int_of_string_opt l with | Some _ -> l | None -> "'" ^ escape l ^ "'" let integer : string -> 'a repr = fun l ~top -> if String.equal String.empty l then (empty ()) ~top else l let expr : 'a repr -> 'a repr = fun expr ~top -> ignore top; String.concat ~sep:"" [ "("; expr ~top:false; ")" ] let path : 'b path_repr -> 'b -> 'a repr = fun path_repr p ~top -> ignore top; path_repr p let concat : 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun elems ~top -> ignore top; let top = false in let strs = elems ~f:(fun v -> v ~top) in String.concat ~sep:" ^ " strs let window : 'a repr T.window -> 'a repr list -> 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun name g1 sort ~top -> ignore top; let args1 = group ~top:false g1 and args2 = group ~top:false sort and f_name = T.name_of_window name in let args = [ args1; args2 ] in let args = match name with | T.Counter -> args | T.Min prefix_arg | T.Max prefix_arg | T.Previous prefix_arg | T.Sum prefix_arg -> prefix_arg ~top:false :: args in f_name ^ "(" ^ String.concat ~sep:", " args ^ ")" let nvl : 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun elems ~top -> ignore top; let args = arguments ~top:false elems in "nvl" ^ args let join : string -> 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun sep elems ~top -> ignore top; let header = literal sep in let args = arguments ~top:false (header :: elems) in "join" ^ args let boperator : T.binary_operator -> 'a repr -> 'a repr -> 'a repr = fun op arg1 arg2 ~top -> ignore top; let top = false in let sep = T.name_of_operator op in String.concat ~sep [ arg1 ~top; arg2 ~top ] let gequality : T.binary_operator -> 'a repr -> 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun op arg1 arg2 ~top -> ignore top; let top = false in let sep = T.name_of_operator op in let args = group ~top:false arg2 in String.concat ~sep [ arg1 ~top; args ] let funct : string -> 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun f args ~top -> ignore top; let args = arguments ~top:false args in f ^ args let function' : T.funct -> 'a repr list -> 'a repr = fun f args ~top -> ignore top; let args = arguments ~top:false args in T.name_of_function f ^ args end module M = Sym.M (E) let repr : ?top:bool -> ('a -> string) -> 'a T.t -> string = fun ?(top = false) printer expr -> let repr = M.eval ~path_repr:printer expr in E.observe repr ~top