open StdLabels type 'a window = | Min of 'a | Max of 'a | Counter | Previous of 'a | Sum of 'a type 'a t = | Empty | Expr of 'a t | Literal of string | Integer of string | Path of 'a | Concat of 'a t list | Function of string * 'a t list | Nvl of 'a t list | Join of string * 'a t list | Window of ('a t window * 'a t list * 'a t list) | BOperator of binary_operator * 'a t * 'a t | GEquality of binary_operator * 'a t * 'a t list | Function' of funct * 'a t list and binary_operator = | Equal | Different | Add | Minus | Division | LT | GT | And | Or and funct = | Upper | Trim let name_of_function = function | Upper -> "UPPER" | Trim -> "TRIM" let name_of_operator = function | Equal -> "=" | Different -> "<>" | Add -> "+" | Minus -> "-" | Division -> "/" | LT -> "<" | GT -> ">" | And -> " and " | Or -> " or " let name_of_window = function | Min _ -> "min" | Max _ -> "max" | Counter -> "counter" | Previous _ -> "previous" | Sum _ -> "sum" let map_window : f:('a -> 'b) -> 'a window -> 'b window = fun ~f -> function | Min t -> Min (f t) | Max t -> Max (f t) | Counter -> Counter | Previous t -> Previous (f t) | Sum t -> Sum (f t) (** Extract the kind of the window function from the given name. *) let window_of_name name opt = match (name, opt) with | "min", Some p -> Min p | "max", Some p -> Max p | "counter", None -> Counter | "previous", Some p -> Previous p | "sum", Some p -> Sum p | _other -> raise Not_found let rec cmp : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int = fun f e1 e2 -> match (e1, e2) with | Empty, Empty -> 0 | Literal l1, Literal l2 -> l1 l2 | Integer l1, Integer l2 -> l1 l2 | Path p1, Path p2 -> f p1 p2 | Concat elems1, Concat elems2 | Nvl elems1, Nvl elems2 -> ~cmp:(cmp f) elems1 elems2 | Function (n1, elems1), Function (n2, elems2) -> let name_cmp = n1 n2 in if name_cmp = 0 then ~cmp:(cmp f) elems1 elems2 else name_cmp | Window (s1, l11, l12), Window (s2, l21, l22) -> ( match compare s1 s2 with | 0 -> let l1_cmp = ~cmp:(cmp f) l11 l21 in if l1_cmp = 0 then ~cmp:(cmp f) l12 l22 else l1_cmp | other -> other) | BOperator (n1, arg11, arg12), BOperator (n2, arg21, arg22) -> begin match compare n1 n2 with | 0 -> begin match cmp f arg11 arg21 with | 0 -> cmp f arg12 arg22 | other -> other end | other -> other end (* Any other case *) | other1, other2 -> other1 other2 let fold_values : f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> init:'b -> 'a t -> 'b = fun ~f ~init expression -> let rec _f acc = function | Empty | Literal _ | Integer _ -> acc | Expr e -> _f acc e | Path p -> f acc p | Concat pp | Function' (_, pp) | Function (_, pp) | Nvl pp | Join (_, pp) -> List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc a -> _f acc a) ~init:acc pp | Window (window_f, pp1, pp2) -> (* Each window function can have a distinct parameter first. *) let acc' = match window_f with | Counter -> acc | Min key | Max key | Previous key | Sum key -> _f acc key in let eval1 = List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc a -> _f acc a) ~init:acc' pp1 in List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc a -> _f acc a) ~init:eval1 pp2 | BOperator (_, arg1, arg2) -> _f (_f acc arg1) arg2 | GEquality (_, arg1, arg2) -> let eval1 = List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc a -> _f acc a) ~init:acc arg2 in _f eval1 arg1 in _f init expression let map : type a b. f:(a -> b) -> a t -> b t = fun ~f expression -> let rec map = function | Expr e -> Expr (map e) | Empty -> Empty | Literal s -> Literal s | Integer i -> Integer i | Path p -> Path (f p) | Concat pp -> Concat ( ~f:map pp) | Function' (name, pp) -> Function' (name, ~f:map pp) | Function (name, pp) -> Function (name, ~f:map pp) | Nvl pp -> Nvl ( ~f:map pp) | Join (sep, pp) -> Join (sep, ~f:map pp) | Window (window_f, pp1, pp2) -> let w = map_window ~f:map window_f in Window (w, ~f:map pp1, ~f:map pp2) | BOperator (n, arg1, arg2) -> BOperator (n, map arg1, map arg2) | GEquality (n, arg1, args) -> GEquality (n, map arg1, ~f:map args) in map expression