module Toml = Toml module Console = Console let date_from_csv : string -> CalendarLib.Date.t option = fun value -> let open CalendarLib.Date in try Some (Scanf.sscanf value "%d/%d/%d" (fun d m y -> make y m d)) with | _ -> ( (* If the date is a number, try from julian day *) match int_of_string_opt value with | None -> None | Some v -> Some (add (make 1899 12 30) ( v))) let fold_opt : ('a -> 'b -> 'a option) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a = fun f acc b -> match f acc b with | None -> acc | Some v -> v let try_opt exp = try Some (exp ()) with | _ -> None let repr_date formatter date = Format.fprintf formatter "%02d/%02d/%d" (CalendarLib.Date.day_of_month date) CalendarLib.Date.(int_of_month @@ month date) (CalendarLib.Date.year date) let s_repr_date date = Format.sprintf "%02d/%02d/%d" (CalendarLib.Date.day_of_month date) CalendarLib.Date.(int_of_month @@ month date) (CalendarLib.Date.year date) let repr_opt f channel = function | None -> () | Some v -> f channel v let str_format f = let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in let formatter = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in f formatter; Format.pp_print_flush formatter (); Buffer.contents buffer