module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax type 'a t type 'a result = ('a, exn) Result.t val with_db : string -> ('a t -> unit result) -> unit result val check_table_schema : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> bool result (** Check if a table with the same structure already exists in the database. This query allow to reuse the same data without reloading the file if nothing changed. *) val create_table : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> unit result (** [create_table db name] will create a new table in the db with the given name, and the columns from the configuration (see [ImportAnalyser.Query.create_table]) Any previous table with the same name will be deleted. *) val prepare_insert : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> Sqlite3.stmt result (** Create a statement to use in an insert. [prepare_insert db table] will prepare a statement for inserting the columns at the given index. *) val finalize : Sqlite3.stmt -> unit result (** Finalize the statement. The function shall be called once each insert are done, or after an error in the insert. *) val reset : Sqlite3.stmt -> unit result val eval_key : 'a t -> Sqlite3.stmt option -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key list -> (int * ImportCSV.DataType.t) list -> (Sqlite3.stmt option * Sqlite3.Data.t list) result (** Evaluate the keys in sqlite and get the results. The function is intended to check if the values are null before inserting them in a batch *) val insert : 'a t -> Sqlite3.stmt -> id:int -> (int * ImportCSV.DataType.t) list -> unit result (** Insert a new row in the database. [insert db ~id statement values] will add a new row in the given table with [id]. The columns are identified with their index number (there is a difference by one with the column number) Thanks to SQLite Flexible Typing ( each column can contain values typed differently which is how the spreadsheet also works. This function is expected to be run inside a transaction. *) val begin_transaction : 'a t -> unit result val commit : 'a t -> unit result val rollback : 'a t -> unit result val query : f: ((ImportDataTypes.Path.t ImportExpression.T.t * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array -> unit) -> 'a t -> Syntax.t -> unit result (** This one the most important function from the application. The function will transform the configuration into an sql query and will fetch the result from the sqlite engine. The function [f] given in argument will be called for each line *) val create_view : 'a t -> Syntax.t -> unit result (** Create a view which represent the result *) val check_foreign : f:((string * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array -> unit) -> 'a t -> Syntax.t -> Syntax.extern -> unit result val clear_duplicates : f:((string * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array -> unit) -> 'a t -> ImportDataTypes.Table.t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key list -> unit result (** Remove all duplicated keys in the table by setting them to NULL. *) val insert_header : 'a t -> ImportDataTypes.Table.t -> (int * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array -> unit T.result val query_headers : 'a t -> ImportDataTypes.Table.t -> ImportCSV.DataType.t array T.result (** Get all the headers from the database (used or not) *)