open OUnit2 open StdLabels module A = ImportAnalyser.Dependency module Q = ImportAnalyser.Query module C = ImportConf module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax module Expr = Expression_builder let show_source (source : ImportDataTypes.Table.t) = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" source.ImportDataTypes.Table.file let show_sources sources = let b = Buffer.create 16 in Buffer.add_string b "["; List.iter sources ~f:(fun source -> Buffer.add_string b (show_source source); Buffer.add_string b ","); let len = Buffer.length b in if len > 1 then Buffer.truncate b (len - 1); Buffer.add_string b "]"; Buffer.contents b (** This is sample configuration used in the tests *) let conf = Syntax. { version = 1; source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "source" }; externals = [ { intern_key = Path { alias = None; column = 1 }; target = { file = "other.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "other" }; extern_key = Path 3; allow_missing = false; match_rule = None; }; { intern_key = Path { alias = Some "other"; column = 1 }; target = { file = "last.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "last_file" }; extern_key = Path 3; allow_missing = true; match_rule = None; }; ]; columns = [ Concat [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 }; Literal "_"; Empty ]; Path { alias = None; column = 2 }; Path { alias = Some "last_file"; column = 5 }; ]; filters = []; sort = []; uniq = []; } let create_table = "Create table" >:: fun _ -> let out = A.get_process_order conf in let query = Q.create_table (List.hd out) in assert_equal "CREATE TABLE 'last' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,'key_last_file','col_5')" query let select = "Select" >:: fun _ -> let query, _ = conf in let expected_query = {|SELECT COALESCE('source'.col_1,'') || ? || '' AS result_0, 'source'.col_2 AS result_1, 'last_file'.col_5 AS result_2 FROM 'source' AS 'source' LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other' LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file'|} in assert_equal expected_query query.q let check_externals = "Check external" >:: fun _ -> let query = Q.check_external conf (List.hd conf.externals) in let expected_query = "SELECT 'source'.'id', 'source'.col_1 FROM\n\ 'source' AS 'source' LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON \ rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other' WHERE \ 'other'.'key_other' IS NULL AND 'source'.col_1 IS NOT NULL AND \ 'source'.col_1 <> ''" in assert_equal expected_query query.q let previous = "Test window previous" >:: fun _ -> (* This is sample configuration used in the tests *) let conf = Syntax. { version = 1; source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "previous" }; externals = []; columns = [ Window ( Previous (Path { alias = None; column = 5 }), [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 } ], [ Path { alias = None; column = 3 } ] ); ]; filters = []; sort = []; uniq = []; } in let res, _ = conf in let query = "SELECT LAG('previous'.col_5) OVER (PARTITION BY 'previous'.col_1 ORDER BY \ 'previous'.col_3) AS result_0\n\ FROM 'source' AS 'previous'" in assert_equal query res.q let sum = "Test window sum" >:: fun _ -> (* This is sample configuration used in the tests *) let conf = Syntax. { version = 1; source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "previous" }; externals = []; columns = [ Window ( Sum (Path { alias = None; column = 5 }), [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 } ], [] ); ]; filters = []; sort = []; uniq = []; } in let res, _ = conf in let query = "SELECT SUM('previous'.col_5) OVER (PARTITION BY 'previous'.col_1) AS \ result_0\n\ FROM 'source' AS 'previous'" in assert_equal query res.q let sum_total = "Test sum over the whole range" >:: fun _ -> (* This is sample configuration used in the tests *) let conf = Syntax. { version = 1; source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "previous" }; externals = []; columns = [ Window (Sum (Path { alias = None; column = 5 }), [], []) ]; filters = []; sort = []; uniq = []; } in let res, _ = conf in let query = "SELECT SUM('previous'.col_5) AS result_0\nFROM 'source' AS 'previous'" in assert_equal query res.q let sum_unfiltered = "Test sum over the whole range" >:: fun _ -> (* This is sample configuration used in the tests *) let conf = Syntax. { version = 1; source = { file = "source.xlsx"; tab = 1; name = "previous" }; externals = []; columns = [ Window ( Sum (Path { alias = None; column = 5 }), [], [ Path { alias = None; column = 1 } ] ); ]; filters = []; sort = []; uniq = []; } in let res, _ = conf in let query = "SELECT SUM('previous'.col_5) AS result_0\nFROM 'source' AS 'previous'" in assert_equal query res.q let prepare_insert = "Test prepare_insert" >:: fun _ -> let key = ImportAnalyser.Dependency. { name = "key_test"; expression = Concat [ Path 1; Literal "_"; Empty ]; columns = lazy (ImportContainers.IntSet.singleton 1); } in let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in let () = ImportAnalyser.Query.build_key_insert buffer key in let contents = Buffer.contents buffer in let expected = "rtrim(upper(COALESCE(:col_1,'') || '_' || ''))" in assert_equal expected contents (** Test a request with a group in a filter. This generate a CTE expression in order to evaluate the group before loading the results from the query. *) let filter_group = "Test filter_group" >:: fun _ -> let c col = Expr.path ImportDataTypes.Path.{ alias = None; column = col } in let conf = { conf with columns = [ c 1 ]; filters = [ Expr.(max (c 3) [ c 1 ] [ c 1 ]) ]; } in let contents, _ = conf in let expected = {|WITH cte AS (SELECT, LAST_VALUE('source'.col_3) OVER (PARTITION BY 'source'.col_1 ORDER BY 'source'.col_1 RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS group0 FROM 'source' AS 'source' LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other' LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file') SELECT 'source'.col_1 AS result_0 FROM 'source' AS 'source' LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other' LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file' INNER JOIN 'cte' ON = WHERE (cte.group0)|} in assert_equal ~printer:(fun s -> Printf.sprintf "\n%s" s) expected contents.q (** Test a request with a group in a filter. This generate a CTE expression in order to evaluate the group before loading the results from the query. *) let filter_group2 = "Test filter_group" >:: fun _ -> let c col = Expr.path ImportDataTypes.Path.{ alias = None; column = col } in let conf = { conf with columns = [ c 1 ]; filters = [ Expr.(max (c 3) [ c 1 ] [ c 1 ]); Expr.equal (c 3) Expr.integer_zero ]; } in let contents, _ = conf in let expected = {|WITH cte AS (SELECT, LAST_VALUE('source'.col_3) OVER (PARTITION BY 'source'.col_1 ORDER BY 'source'.col_1 RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS group0 FROM 'source' AS 'source' LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other' LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file' WHERE COALESCE('source'.col_3,0)=0) SELECT 'source'.col_1 AS result_0 FROM 'source' AS 'source' LEFT JOIN 'other' AS 'other' ON rtrim(upper('source'.col_1)) = 'other'.'key_other' LEFT JOIN 'last' AS 'last_file' ON rtrim(upper('other'.col_1)) = 'last_file'.'key_last_file' INNER JOIN 'cte' ON = WHERE COALESCE('source'.col_3,0)=0 AND (cte.group0)|} in assert_equal ~printer:(fun s -> Printf.sprintf "\n%s" s) expected contents.q let test_suit = [ create_table; select; check_externals; previous; sum; sum_total; sum_unfiltered; prepare_insert; filter_group; filter_group2; ] let tests = "analyser_query_test" >::: test_suit