open OUnit2 open ConfLoader (** Test the dependencies extracted from the external named "source". Refer to the default configuration used in [ConfLoader] to see the configuration. *) let test_get_dependencies_for_source = "get_dependancies_for_table" >:: fun _ -> let result = ImportConf.get_dependancies_for_table conf conf.source and expected = [ external_other ] in assert_equal ~printer:pp_externals expected result let test_get_dependencies_for_other = "get_dependancies_for_table" >:: fun _ -> let result = ImportConf.get_dependancies_for_table conf external_table_other and expected = [ external_last ] in assert_equal ~printer:pp_externals expected result let tests = "importConf_test" >::: [ test_get_dependencies_for_source; test_get_dependencies_for_other ]