TEX=$(shell command -v lualatex xelatex | head -n 1) SOURCE=. MODEL ?= . SRC =$(wildcard *.rst) SVG =$(wildcard content/*.svg) PDFS = $(SRC:.rst=.pdf) INCLUDED_PDF = $(SVG:.svg=.pdf) all: $(PDFS) BIBS =$(wildcard *.bib) DIR = $(sort $(shell find $(SOURCE) -name '*.rst' -print)) # Pick the first file for the given name, either in the path from the model, or # in the local path from the source. select_file = \ $(firstword $(wildcard ./resources/$(1)) $(wildcard $(MODEL)/resources/$1)) # Select the files to use in the styles. ifeq ($(MODEL),.) $(info Modèle de base) SOURCES = $(sort $(filter-out $(FILTERS), $(wildcard $(MODEL)/resources/*.tex) )) else $(info Modèle surchargé) # Remove from the list the elements given in the variable FILTERS NEW_STYLES = $(wildcard resources/*.tex) MODEL_STYLES = $(wildcard $(MODEL)/resources/*.tex) # For each file, extract the name, and sort the list by order. STYLE_NAME = $(sort $(foreach fic,$(NEW_STYLES) $(filter-out $(FILTERS),$(MODEL_STYLES)),$(notdir $(fic)))) # Pick the file either in the current directory, or in the model path SOURCES = $(foreach fic,$(STYLE_NAME),$(call select_file,$(fic))) endif null := space := $(null) # comma := , TEX_STYLE := $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(SOURCES))) TEX_BIBS := $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(BIBS))) # Add a variable for specific options to add in the rst2latex command # EXTRA_RST_OPTIONS ?= EXTRA_STYLES ?= # Remove the comments and the empty lines from the module list file PACK = $(shell sed -e 's/\#.*$$//' -e '/^\s$$/d' $(MODEL)/resources/modules) PACKAGES = $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(PACK))) tmp: mkdir tmp # Hack used to identify the path to the shared configuration in latex. tmp/model.tex: | tmp $(file >$@,\def\commonPath{$(MODEL)/../common/}) # Generate the latex file from rst tmp/%.tex: %.rst $(INCLUDED_PDF) $(SOURCES) | tmp $$(command -v rst2latex rst2latex.py | head -n 1) \ --no-section-subtitles \ --table-style=borderless \ --use-latex-citations \ --use-latex-docinfo \ --documentclass=extarticle \ --documentoption=12pt,A4,table \ --syntax-highlight=short \ $(EXTRA_RST_OPTIONS) \ --stylesheet=tmp/model.tex,$(PACKAGES),$(subst $(space),$(comma),\$(EXTRA_STYLES)),$(TEX_STYLE) $< $@ sed -i -e 's/continued on next page/suite sur la page suivante/;s|^%$$||' $@ sed -i -e 's/admonition-/admonition/g' $@ # Generate each pdf with latex tmp/%.pdf: tmp/%.tex tmp/model.tex $(BIBS) | tmp set TEXINPUTS=.:$(MODEL):$$(TEXINPUTS) # Make the first run in batch mode (no pdf produced) $(TEX) -output-directory tmp --halt-on-error --draftmode $< $(TEX) -output-directory tmp $< #bibtex tmp/$*.aux && $(TEX) -output-directory tmp $< || echo "no bib" while grep 'Rerun to get ' tmp/$*.log ; do \ $(TEX) -output-directory tmp $< ;\ done # Put the pdf in the right place %.pdf: tmp/%.pdf | tmp cp $< $@ # Update mupdf if the process exist, or do nothing. pkill -HUP mupdf || true .PHONY: clean clean: rm -r tmp # Generate the final PDF document # Send a notification to mupdf in order to refresh the document %.png: %.pdf gs -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -r150 -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=$@ $< # Watch mode, which regenerate the documents as soon there is a change in a # file., # requires inotifywait (package inotify-tools) .PHONY: watch watch: while true; do \ $(MAKE) all; \ inotifywait -qre close_write . ; \ done # Format the pages in order to make them printable in a book book: $(PDFS) pdfbook2 --no-crop $<