\let\oldbf\textbf \def\newbf{\color{white}\oldbf} \colorlet{tableHeader}{red!80!black} \rowcolors{1}{lightgray!10}{lightgray!50} % The tables using the mode are represented like this : % % \toprule % \textbf{% % … % } & \textbf{% % … % } \\ % \midrule % \endfirsthead % % Here, we are updating the toprule command to set the color in the background, % and define the text color. % % In the midrule command, we restore the command `textbf` to the previous % definition. % Update the color for the header row \def\toprule{\rowcolor{tableHeader}\global\def\textbf{\newbf}} % Restore the previous color after the header \def\midrule{\global\def\textbf{\oldbf}} \def\bottomrule{}