module T = Tools module type DATA_SIG = sig type 'a typ type 'a returnType val compare_typ: 'a typ -> 'b typ -> ('a, 'b) T.cmp end (** We cannot update an existing function. Any [registerX] function will raise [RegisteredFunction] if a function with the same signature already exists in the catalog. *) exception RegisteredFunction (** Catalog for all functions *) module Make(Data:DATA_SIG) = struct (** This is the way the function is store in the map. We just the return type, and the function itself. *) type _ t_function = | Fn1: 'b Data.returnType * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t_function | Fn2: 'c Data.returnType * ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a * 'b) t_function | Fn3: 'd Data.returnType * ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t_function (** This is the key for storing functions in the map. *) type _ sig_typ = | T1: 'a Data.typ -> 'a t_function sig_typ | T2: 'a Data.typ * 'b Data.typ -> ('a * 'b) t_function sig_typ | T3: 'a Data.typ * 'b Data.typ * 'c Data.typ -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t_function sig_typ module ComparableSignature = struct type 'a t = string * 'a sig_typ (* Type for pure equality *) type (_, _) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq (** Compare two signature *) let comp: type a b. string * a sig_typ -> string * b sig_typ -> (a, b) T.cmp = begin fun (namea, a) (nameb, b) -> let cmp: type c d. c Data.typ -> d Data.typ -> ((c, d) eq -> (a, b) T.cmp) -> (a, b) T.cmp = begin fun a b f -> match Data.compare_typ a b with | T.Eq -> f Eq | T.Lt -> T.Lt | T.Gt -> T.Gt end in if namea < nameb then T.Lt else if namea > nameb then T.Gt else match a, b with | T1(a), T1(b) -> cmp a b (fun Eq -> T.Eq) | T1(_), _ -> T.Lt | _, T1(_) -> T.Gt | T2(a, b), T2(c, d) -> cmp a c (fun Eq -> cmp b d (fun Eq -> T.Eq) ) | T2(_), _ -> T.Lt | _, T2(_) -> T.Gt | T3(a, b, c), T3(d, e, f) -> cmp a d (fun Eq -> cmp b e (fun Eq -> cmp c f (fun Eq -> T.Eq) ) ) end end module Catalog = Map.Make(String) module Functions = Splay.Make(ComparableSignature) (* This is the map which contains all the registered functions. Each name is binded with another map with contains the function for each signature. *) type t = Functions.tree let empty = Functions.empty (** Register a function in the catalog. If the function is already defined, raise an exception. *) let register t name signature f = begin let name' = String.uppercase_ascii name in if Functions.member (name', signature) t then raise RegisteredFunction else Functions.add (name', signature) f t end (** Look in the catalog for a function with the given name and signature *) let find_function: type a. t -> string -> a t_function sig_typ -> a t_function = begin fun t name signature -> Functions.find ((String.uppercase_ascii name), signature) t end end