{ open Odf_ExpressionParser open Lexing exception SyntaxError of string } let digit = ['0'-'9'] let real = digit+ | digit* '.' digit+ | digit+ '.' digit* let newline = "\r\n" | '\n' | '\r' let space = ['\t' ' '] | newline let letters = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] let identifier = letters (letters | digit | ['-' '_' '.'])* (letters | digit)+ let text = letters | digit let cell = letters+ digit+ rule read = parse | space+ { read lexbuf } | digit+ as _1 { NUM (_1, Num.num_of_string _1)} | real as _1 { REAL (Tools.String.filter_float _1, Tools.Num.of_float_string _1)} | '$' { DOLLAR } | '=' { EQ } | "<>" { NEQ } | '<' { LT } | "<=" { LE } | '>' { GT } | ">=" { GE } | '*' { TIMES } | '+' { PLUS } | '-' { MINUS } | '/' { DIVIDE } | '"' { read_string (Buffer.create 17) lexbuf } | ';' { SEMICOLON } | ':' { COLON } | '[' { L_SQ_BRACKET } | ']' { R_SQ_BRACKET } | '(' { LPAREN } | ')' { RPAREN } | '^' { POW } | '.' { DOT } | letters+ as _1 { LETTERS _1} | '\000' { EOF } | eof { EOF } and read_string buf = parse | '"' { STR (Buffer.contents buf) } | '\\' '/' { Buffer.add_char buf '/'; read_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' '\\' { Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; read_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 'b' { Buffer.add_char buf '\b'; read_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 'f' { Buffer.add_char buf '\012'; read_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 'n' { Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 'r' { Buffer.add_char buf '\r'; read_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 't' { Buffer.add_char buf '\t'; read_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char buf '"'; read_string buf lexbuf } | [^ '"' '\\' '\000']+ { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); read_string buf lexbuf } | '\000' { STR (Buffer.contents buf) } | _ { raise (SyntaxError ("Illegal string character: " ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) } | eof { STR ( Buffer.contents buf) } and quoteless_string buf = parse | '\\' '/' { Buffer.add_char buf '/'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' '\\' { Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 'b' { Buffer.add_char buf '\b'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 'f' { Buffer.add_char buf '\012'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 'n' { Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 'r' { Buffer.add_char buf '\r'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' 't' { Buffer.add_char buf '\t'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char buf '"'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | [^ '\\' '\000']+ { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); quoteless_string buf lexbuf } | '\000' { STR (Buffer.contents buf) } | _ { raise (SyntaxError ("Illegal string character: " ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) } | eof { STR (Buffer.contents buf) }