(** This module represent a sheet *) type cell = int * int module Raw: sig exception Cycle type t (** Create a new sheet *) val create: t (** Add a new value in the sheet. The previous value is replaced @return All the successors to update and the new sheet. *) val add: cell -> Expression.t -> t -> Cell.Set.t * t val remove: cell -> t -> Cell.Set.t * t (** Get the value content. @return None if the cell is not defined *) val get_value: cell -> t -> ScTypes.result option val get_expr: cell -> t -> Expression.t val get_sink: cell -> t -> Cell.Set.t (** Fold over all the defined values *) val fold: ('a -> cell -> (Expression.t * ScTypes.result ) -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a end type yank type t = { selected: Selection.t; (* The selected cell *) data: Raw.t; history: t list; (* Unlimited history *) yank: yank list (* All the selected cells *) } type search = [ | `Pattern of ScTypes.result option | `Next | `Previous ] (** Undo the last action and return the previous state, if any *) val undo: t -> t option (** Move the cursor in one direction, return the state updated if the move is allowed *) val move: Actions.direction -> t -> t option (** Delete the content of selected cells. @return The sheet and the number of cells deleted *) val delete: t -> t * int (** Copy the selected cells @return The sheet and the number of cells deleted *) val yank: t -> t * int (** Search for a pattern on the sheet @return The state updated if the pattern has been found. *) val search: search -> t -> t option val paste: t -> t * int val add: Expression.t -> t -> Cell.Set.t * t (** Create an empty sheet *) val create: Raw.t -> t