include Text let empty = "" let decode x = Text.decode x let encode x = try Some (Text.encode x) with Text.Invalid (_, _) -> None let raw_encode x = Text.encode x let from_utf8string x = x let to_utf8string x = x let trim x = Text.strip x let split str ~sep = match Text.split ~max:1 ~sep str with | [] -> "" | hd::tl -> hd let replace text patt repl = Text.replace text ~patt ~repl module Buffer = struct include Buffer type buffer = t let add_char b c = Uchar.of_char c |> Uchar.to_int |> Text.char |> Buffer.add_string b end module Printf = struct include Printf end module Format = struct include Format let bprintf buffer fformat = begin let to_b = formatter_of_buffer buffer in let x = fprintf to_b fformat in x end end