let u = UTF8.from_utf8string module Show_Expr (R:Sym_ref.SYM_REF with type 'a obs = (UTF8.Buffer.buffer -> unit)) (T:Sym_type.SYM_TYPE with type 'a obs = (UTF8.Buffer.buffer -> unit)) = struct module T = T module R = R type t = unit type repr = UTF8.Buffer.buffer -> unit type obs = UTF8.Buffer.buffer -> unit let observe buffer value = buffer value let value v () buffer = T.observe v buffer let ref r () buffer = R.observe r buffer let call0 ident () buffer = let utf8ident = UTF8.to_utf8string ident in UTF8.Printf.bprintf buffer "%s()" utf8ident let call1 ident p1 () buffer = let utf8ident = UTF8.to_utf8string ident in UTF8.Printf.bprintf buffer "%s(%a)" utf8ident (fun x b -> observe b x) p1 let call2 ident p1 p2 () buffer = let utf8ident = UTF8.to_utf8string ident in begin match utf8ident with | "+" | "*" | "-" | "/" | "^" | "=" | "<>" | "<=" | ">=" | "<" | ">" -> UTF8.Printf.bprintf buffer "%a%s%a" (fun x b -> observe b x) p1 utf8ident (fun x b -> observe b x) p2 | _ -> UTF8.Printf.bprintf buffer "%s(%a;%a)" utf8ident (fun x b -> observe b x) p1 (fun x b -> observe b x) p2 end let call3 ident p1 p2 p3 () buffer = let utf8ident = UTF8.to_utf8string ident in UTF8.Printf.bprintf buffer "%s(%a;%a;%a)" utf8ident (fun x b -> observe b x) p1 (fun x b -> observe b x) p2 (fun x b -> observe b x) p3 let callN ident (params: repr list) () buffer = UTF8.Buffer.add_string buffer ident; Tools.List.printb ~sep:(u";") (fun buffer value -> value buffer) buffer params let expression e () buffer = UTF8.Printf.bprintf buffer "(%a)" (fun x b -> b x) e end