(** Curses submodules *) module Attrs = Curses.A module Color = Curses.Color module T2 = Tools.Tuple2 module Option = Tools.Option let cell_size = 10 let u = UTF8.from_utf8string type t = { window: Curses.window; (* the main window *) sheet: Curses.window; (* the spreadsheet *) input: Curses.window; (* the input window *) status: Curses.window; (* status bar *) start: (int * int); (* Left corner *) left_margin: int; (* Reserved margin for rows name *) mutable size: int * int; (* Terminal size *) } let get_cell screen (x, y) = begin let x' = (fst screen.start) + (x - screen.left_margin) / cell_size and y' = (snd screen.start) + y - 3 in if (x' < 1 || y' < 1) then None else Some (x', y') end let center data screen height width = begin let height' = height - 3 and width' = (width - screen.left_margin) / cell_size in let end_x = (fst screen.start) + width' -1 in let end_y = (snd screen.start) + height' -2 in let selected = Selection.extract data.Sheet.selected in let center_axis f replace max_limit shift screen = begin let selected_axis = f selected in match (selected_axis >= f screen.start), (selected_axis > max_limit) with | true, false -> screen | _ -> { screen with start = replace (max 1 (selected_axis - shift)) screen.start } end in center_axis T2.fst T2.replace1 end_x (width' / 2) screen |> center_axis T2.snd T2.replace2 end_y (height' / 2) end let status screen msg = begin let height, width = screen.size in UTF8.encode msg |> Option.iter (fun encoded -> let status = Bytes.make (width -1) ' ' in String.blit encoded 0 status 0 (String.length encoded); Curses.werase screen.status; if not ( Curses.mvwaddstr screen.status 0 0 encoded && Curses.wrefresh screen.status ) then raise (Failure "Status update") ) end (** Draw the spreadsheet *) let draw data screen = begin let selected = Selection.extract data.Sheet.selected in let referenced = Sheet.Raw.get_expr selected data.Sheet.data |> Expression.collect_sources and sink = Sheet.Raw.get_sink selected data.Sheet.data in let height, width = screen.size in let screen = center data screen height width in for y = 1 to (height-2) do let pos_y = (y + (snd screen.start) - 1) in if (Curses.has_colors ()) then begin if Selection.is_selected (Selection.Vertical pos_y) data.Sheet.selected then Curses.wattrset screen.sheet (Attrs.color_pair 2 ) else Curses.wattrset screen.sheet (Attrs.color_pair 1 ) end; ignore @@ Curses.mvwaddstr screen.sheet y 0 @@ Printf.sprintf "%-*d" screen.left_margin pos_y done; Curses.wattrset screen.sheet Attrs.normal; for x = 0 to ((width - cell_size - screen.left_margin) / cell_size) do let pos_x = x + (fst screen.start) in if (Curses.has_colors ()) then begin if Selection.is_selected (Selection.Horizontal pos_x) data.Sheet.selected then Curses.wattrset screen.sheet (Attrs.color_pair 2 ) else Curses.wattrset screen.sheet (Attrs.color_pair 1 ) end; ignore @@ Curses.mvwaddstr screen.sheet 0 (x * cell_size + screen.left_margin) @@ Printf.sprintf "%-*s" cell_size (UTF8.raw_encode @@ Cell.to_hname pos_x); Curses.wattrset screen.sheet Attrs.normal; for y = 1 to (height-2) do let pos_y = y + (snd screen.start) - 1 in if (Curses.has_colors ()) then begin if Selection.is_selected (Selection.Cell (pos_x, pos_y)) data.Sheet.selected then Curses.wattrset screen.sheet (Attrs.color_pair 3 ) else if Cell.Set.mem (pos_x, pos_y) referenced then Curses.wattrset screen.sheet (Attrs.color_pair 4 ) else if Cell.Set.mem (pos_x, pos_y) sink then Curses.wattrset screen.sheet (Attrs.color_pair 5 ) else Curses.wattrset screen.sheet Attrs.normal; end; (* Get the content from the cell *) let content = Sheet.Raw.get_value (pos_x, pos_y) data.Sheet.data |> Option.map (fun x -> UTF8.split ~sep:(u"\n") (ScTypes.Result.show x)) |> Option.default UTF8.empty in (* If the content is defined, try to encode it and print it*) UTF8.encode content |> Tools.Option.iter (fun value -> let length = UTF8.length content in let strlength = String.length value in let blank = cell_size - length in let padding = if blank > 0 then String.make blank ' ' else "" in ignore @@ Curses.mvwaddnstr screen.sheet y (x * cell_size + screen.left_margin) (Printf.sprintf "%s%s" value padding) 0 (blank + strlength) ) done done; ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh screen.sheet; screen end let init () = begin (* Do not set delay after ESC keycode *) begin try ignore @@ Unix.getenv "ESCDELAY" with | Not_found -> Unix.putenv "ESCDELAY" "25" end; let window = Curses.initscr () in let height, width = Curses.getmaxyx window in Tools.NCurses.set_mouse_event (Tools.NCurses.BUTTON1_CLICKED::[]); let init = Curses.keypad window true && Curses.noecho () && Curses.start_color () && Curses.use_default_colors () (* Build the color map *) && Curses.init_pair 1 Color.white Color.blue (* Titles *) && Curses.init_pair 2 Color.blue Color.white (* Selected titles *) && Curses.init_pair 3 Color.black Color.white (* Selected cell *) && Curses.init_pair 4 Color.black Color.red (* referenced cell *) && Curses.init_pair 5 Color.black Color.green (* sink cell *) && Curses.curs_set 0 in if not init then raise (Failure "Initialisation") else { window = window; input = Curses.subwin window 2 width 0 0; sheet = Curses.subwin window (height - 3) width 2 0; status = Curses.subwin window 1 width (height - 1) 0; start = 1, 1; left_margin = 4; size = height, width; } end let close {window} = begin ignore @@ (Curses.keypad window false && Curses.echo ()); Curses.endwin() end let draw_input t screen = begin let height, width = screen.size in let expr = Sheet.Raw.get_expr (Selection.extract t.Sheet.selected) t.Sheet.data |> Expression.show in let result = Sheet.Raw.get_value (Selection.extract t.Sheet.selected) t.Sheet.data |> Option.map ScTypes.Result.show |> Option.default UTF8.empty in UTF8.encode result |> Option.iter (fun encoded_result -> (* Compute the difference between number of bytes in the string, and the number of character printed : Printf.sprintf format use the bytes number in the string, while Curses print the characters in the user encoding *) let result_length_delta = (UTF8.length result) - (String.length encoded_result) in ignore ( encoded_result |> Printf.sprintf "%-*s" (width - 11 - result_length_delta) |> Curses.mvwaddstr screen.input 0 10 && Curses.wrefresh screen.input) ); status screen expr; screen end (** Wait for an event and return the key pressed If the key code contains more than one char, they are both returned *) let read_key {window} = begin let buff = Buffer.create 2 in let int_val = Curses.wgetch window in if int_val > 255 then Buffer.add_string buff @@ Tools.String.string_of_ints int_val else Buffer.add_char buff @@ char_of_int int_val; (** Check for a second key code *) ignore @@ Curses.nodelay window true; begin match Curses.wgetch window with | -1 -> () | x -> Buffer.add_char buff @@ char_of_int x; end; ignore @@ Curses.nodelay window false; Buffer.contents buff end let resize data t = begin let size = Curses.getmaxyx t.window in if (size <> t.size) then ( let height, width = size in t.size <- size; ignore ( Curses.wresize t.input 2 width && Curses.wresize t.sheet (height - 3) width (* The status window *) && Curses.wresize t.status 1 width && Curses.mvwin t.status (height - 1) 0); Curses.wclear t.status; ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; draw data t ) else t end let editor ?position ?(prefix=UTF8.empty) ?(init=UTF8.empty) t = begin let encodedPrefix = UTF8.raw_encode prefix and encodedInit = UTF8.raw_encode init in let with_refs, position = match position with | None -> false, (1, 1) | Some x -> true, x in Curses.werase t.status; ignore @@ Curses.mvwaddstr t.status 0 0 (encodedPrefix^encodedInit); ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; (** Rewrite all the text after the cursor *) let rewrite_after = begin function | [] -> () | elems -> ( (* Rewrite each char after the cursor *) let y, x = Curses.getyx t.status in List.iter (fun x -> ignore @@ Curses.waddstr t.status (UTF8.raw_encode x)) elems; ignore @@ Curses.wmove t.status y x ) end (** Delete the previous text (or block of text) *) and delete_previous hd = begin let y, x = Curses.getyx t.status in let length = UTF8.length hd in ignore @@ Curses.wmove t.status y (x - length); for position = 1 to length do ignore @@ Curses.wdelch t.status done; end in (* Text edition, handle the keycode. [before] contains all the caracters inserted before the cursor (reverse ordered), and [after] contains all the caracters after the cursor. *) let rec _edit before after = begin function | "\027" -> (* Escape, cancel the modifications *) None | "\010" -> (* Enter, validate the input *) (* We concatenate all the characters. This can create an invalid string in * the current locale (if there are copy/paste, or other events). *) Some (UTF8.implode @@ (UTF8.rev_implode before)::after) | "\001\004" -> (* Left *) begin match before with | [] -> _edit before after @@ read_key t | hd::tl -> let y, x = Curses.getyx t.status and length = UTF8.length hd in ignore @@ Curses.wmove t.status y (x - length); ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; _edit tl (hd::after) @@ read_key t end | "\001\005" -> (* Right *) begin match after with | [] -> _edit before after @@ read_key t | hd::tl -> let y, x = Curses.getyx t.status and length = UTF8.length hd in ignore @@ Curses.wmove t.status y (x + length); ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; _edit (hd::before) tl @@ read_key t end | "\001\007" -> (* Backspace *) begin match before with | [] -> _edit before after @@ read_key t | hd::tl -> delete_previous hd; ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; _edit tl after @@ read_key t end | "\001\006" -> (* Home *) begin match before with | [] -> _edit before after @@ read_key t | elems -> let to_left (size, after) elem = begin let size' = size + UTF8.length elem in size', elem::after end in let chars, after' = List.fold_left to_left (0, after) elems in let y, x = Curses.getyx t.status in ignore @@ Curses.wmove t.status y (x - chars); ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; _edit [] after' @@ read_key t end | "\001\104" -> (* End *) begin match after with | [] -> _edit before after @@ read_key t | elems -> let to_rigth (size, before) elem = begin let size' = size + UTF8.length elem in size', elem::before end in let chars, before' = List.fold_left to_rigth (0, before) elems in let y, x = Curses.getyx t.status in ignore @@ Curses.wmove t.status y (x + chars); ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; _edit before' [] @@ read_key t end | "\001\074" | "\127" -> (* Del *) begin match after with | [] -> _edit before after @@ read_key t | hd::tl -> let y, x = Curses.getyx t.status in ignore @@ Curses.wmove t.status y (x + 1); delete_previous hd; ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; _edit before tl @@ read_key t end | ("\001\002" as key) (* Down *) | ("\001\003" as key) (* Up *) | ("\001\153" as key) -> (* click *) if with_refs then select_content position (UTF8.empty) before after key else _edit before after @@ read_key t | any -> ignore @@ Curses.waddstr t.status any; rewrite_after after; ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; _edit (UTF8.decode any::before) after @@ read_key t end (* Selection mode, Left and Right keys allow to select a cell, and not to move inside the edition *) and select_content (x, y) name before after = begin function | "\001\002" -> (* Down *) insert_cell_name (x, y + 1) name before after | "\001\005" -> (* Right *) insert_cell_name (x + 1, y) name before after | "\001\003" -> (* Up *) if y > 1 then insert_cell_name (x, y - 1) name before after else select_content (x, y) name before after @@ read_key t | "\001\004" -> (* Left *) if x > 1 then insert_cell_name (x - 1, y) name before after else select_content (x, y) name before after @@ read_key t | "\001\153" -> (* click *) let position = begin match Tools.NCurses.get_mouse_event () with | None -> None | Some (id, ev, (x, y, z)) -> if Tools.NCurses.is_event_of_type Tools.NCurses.BUTTON1_CLICKED ev || Tools.NCurses.is_event_of_type Tools.NCurses.BUTTON1_PRESSED ev then get_cell t (x,y) else None end in begin match position with | None -> select_content (x, y) name before after @@ read_key t | Some (x, y) -> insert_cell_name (x, y) name before after end | key -> _edit (UTF8.fold List.cons name before) after key end and insert_cell_name position name before after = begin let cell_name = Cell.to_string @@ (position, (false, false)) in ignore @@ delete_previous name; ignore @@ Curses.waddstr t.status (UTF8.raw_encode cell_name); rewrite_after after; ignore @@ Curses.wrefresh t.status; select_content position cell_name before after @@ read_key t end in Tools.try_finally (fun () -> ignore @@ Curses.curs_set 1; try _edit (UTF8.rev_explode init) [] @@ read_key t with _ -> None) (fun () -> ignore @@ Curses.curs_set 0) end let search screen = begin let result = editor ~prefix:(u"/") screen in begin match result with | Some content -> content | None -> UTF8.empty end end let run f = let window = init () in Tools.try_finally (fun () -> f window) (fun () -> ignore @@ close window )