(** This module represent a sheet *) type cell = int * int type t (** Crate an empty sheet. *) val create: Functions.C.t -> t (** Add or update the sheet. The expression is added at given position. @return A set containing all updated cells. *) val add: history:bool -> Expression.t -> cell -> t -> Cell.Set.t (** Undo the last action and return true if something has been undone *) val undo: t -> bool (** Delete the content of selected cells. @return The sheet and the number of cells deleted *) val delete: Selection.t -> t -> int (** Copy the selected cells @return The sheet and the number of cells deleted *) val yank: Selection.t -> t -> int (** Paste all the selection at the given position. *) val paste: cell -> t -> int (** Fold over all the defined values *) val fold: ('a -> cell -> (Expression.t * ScTypes.Result.t) -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a (** Get the content from a cell. Also return all the other cell pointing to it. *) val get_cell: cell -> t -> Expression.t * ScTypes.Result.t option * Cell.Set.t