open OUnit2 (** Module for the keys *) module K = struct type 'a t = Int : int -> int t [@@unboxed] let comp:type a b. a t -> b t -> (a, b) Tools.cmp = fun a b -> begin match a, b with Int a, Int b -> if a < b then Tools.Lt else if a > b then Tools.Gt else Tools.Eq end let repr: type a. Format.formatter -> a t -> unit = fun formatter (Int a) -> Format.fprintf formatter "%d" a end module SplayTest = Splay.Make(K) let test_add ctx = begin let tree = SplayTest.empty |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1) |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1 in let formatter = Format.str_formatter in SplayTest.repr formatter tree; let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in let expected = "digraph G {\n\ \"4\" -> \"3\"\n\ \"3\" -> \"1\"\n\ \"4\" -> \"5\"\n\ }" in let result = str in let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in assert_equal ~msg expected result end let test_removeLeaf ctx = begin let tree = SplayTest.empty |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 4) in let formatter = Format.str_formatter in SplayTest.repr formatter tree; let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in let expected = "digraph G {}" in let result = str in let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in assert_equal ~msg expected result end let test_removeTop ctx = begin let tree = SplayTest.empty |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1) |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1 |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 4) in let formatter = Format.str_formatter in SplayTest.repr formatter tree; let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in let expected = "digraph G {\n\ \"3\" -> \"1\"\n\ \"3\" -> \"5\"\n\ }" in let result = str in let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in assert_equal ~msg expected result end let test_removeLeft ctx = begin let tree = SplayTest.empty |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1) |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1 |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 3) in let formatter = Format.str_formatter in SplayTest.repr formatter tree; let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in let expected = "digraph G {\n\ \"1\" -> \"4\"\n\ \"4\" -> \"5\"\n\ }" in let result = str in let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in assert_equal ~msg expected result end (** Remove a value not present in the tree. The tree shall be rebalanced. *) let test_removeOutMax ctx = begin let tree = SplayTest.empty |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1) |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1 |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 6) in let formatter = Format.str_formatter in SplayTest.repr formatter tree; let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in let expected = "digraph G {\n\ \"5\" -> \"4\"\n\ \"4\" -> \"3\"\n\ \"3\" -> \"1\"\n\ }" in let result = str in let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in assert_equal ~msg expected result end (** Remove the maximum value in the tree *) let test_removeMax ctx = begin let tree = SplayTest.empty |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1) |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2 |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1 |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 5) in let formatter = Format.str_formatter in SplayTest.repr formatter tree; let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in let expected = "digraph G {\n\ \"4\" -> \"3\"\n\ \"3\" -> \"1\"\n\ }" in let result = str in let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in assert_equal ~msg expected result end let tests = "splay_test">::: [ "add" >:: test_add; "removeLeaf" >:: test_removeLeaf; "removeTop" >:: test_removeTop; "removeLeft" >:: test_removeLeft; "removeMax" >:: test_removeMax; "removeOutMax" >:: test_removeOutMax; ]